中1 総合問題
Unit 01 選択式空所補充
Unit 02 記述式空所補充
中2 総合問題
中3 総合問題
中1 総合問題
1. 次の空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを選びなさい.
1) My father ( ) a nice tennis racket.
① have ② has ③ is having
2) Shota and I ( ) from Okinawa.
① am ② is ③ are
3) The children ( ) hungry.
① am ② is ③ are
4) Whose dog is that? ― ( )
① I read about three books. ② It's Ms. Takahashi's. ③ I like that one.
5) ( ) you a junior high school student?
① Am ② Is ③ Are
6) I ( ) thirteen.
① am ② is ③ are
7) Cut the cake ( ) a knife.
① in ② for ③ with
8) ( ) these apples good?
① Am ② Is ③ Are
9) That building ( ) a bank.
① am ② is ③ are
10) Tom ( ) our new friend.
① am ② is ③ are
11) The children ( ) around the park now.
① run ② is running ③ are running
12) Look! A monkey ( ) a big apple.
① eat ② eats ③ is eating
13) My sister ( ) that actor very much.
① like ② likes ③ is liking
14) How many books do you read in a month? ― ( )
① I read about three books. ② It's Ms. Takahashi's. ③ I like that one.
15) Makoto and Daiki ( ) basketball players.
① am ② is ③ are
16) George came to our house ( ) Monday morning.
① at ② in ③ on
17) Look at the poster ( ) the wall.
① at ② in ③ on
18) Can you make a speech ( ) English?
① in ② for ③ by
19) What is ringing upstairs? ― ( ) upstairs 「2階で」
① I read about three books. ② It's Ms. Takahashi's. ③ I like that one. ④ Jack's alarm clock is.
20) Meg and Tom ( ) sandwiches now.
① makes ② is making ③ are making
21) He usually gets up ( ) six ( ) the morning.
① at ② in ③ on
① ②
22) That white dog ( ) very big.
① am ② is ③ are
23) Which cake do you like, this one or that one? ― ( )
① I read about three books. ② It's Ms. Takahashi's. ③ I like that one. ④ Jack's alarm clock is.
24) We visited Sendai ( ) August.
① at ② in ③ on
25) Mr. Suzuki ( ) a lot about soccer.
① know ② knows ③ is knowing
26) Don’t ( ) lazy before the test. lazy「なまけた,怠惰な」
① be ② do ③ is
27) I met Mr. Johnson ( ) the bus stop ( ) the station.
① at ② in ③ on ④ by ⑤ under
① ④
28) Our house is ( ) the library.
① in ② at ③ near
29) Can your brother ( ) rice?
① cook ② cooks ③ is cooking
30) Jim and Jane ( ) lunch in the garden now.
① have ② is having ③ are having
31) How can I get to the top of the mountain? ― ( )
① I read about three books. ② It's Ms. Takahashi's. ③ I like that one.
④ Jack's alarm clock is. ⑤ You can get there by ropeway. *ropeway「ロープウェイ」
32) Mike ( ) the guitar in his room now.
① play ② plays ③ is playing
2. 次の日本文の意味に合うように,空所に適語を入れなさい.
1) あなたのお姉さんはだれの歌が好きですか.
( ) songs ( ) ( ) ( ) like?
Whose, does your sister
2) 彼はその箱の中に何を持っているのですか.
( ) ( ) he ( ) in the box?
What dose, have
3) 岡さんは警官ではありません.彼は消防士です.
Mr. Oka ( ) a police officer. ( ) a firefighter.
isn't, He's
4) 私は先週はそのテレビドラマを見ませんでした.
I ( ) the TV drama ( ).[2語以上が入ることもある.]
did not[didn't] watch, last week
5) 私のおじいさんはたいてい10時に寝ます.
My grandfather ( ) ( ) to bed at ten.
usually goes
6) これはアメリカの映画です.その映画はとてもおもしろいです.
This is ( ) ( ) movie. ( ) movie is very ( ).
an American, The, interesting[amusing, exciting]
7) これは私のネコです.
( ) ( ) my cat.
This is
8) あなたはトムのいとこですか.― いいえ,ちがいます.私は彼の友人です.
( ) ( ) ( ) cousin? ― ( ), ( ) ( ). ( ) his friend.
Are you Tom's, No, I'm not, I'm
9) あの男の人はだれですか.― 私たちの新しい数学の先生です.
( ) is ( ) man? ― He is ( ) ( ) math teacher.
Who, that, our new
10) 1匹のネコ
( ) cat
11) これはミナトの辞書ですか.
( ) ( ) Minato's dictionary?
Is this
12) 私のTシャツ
( ) T-shirt
13) あれはだれの辞書ですか.― 私の兄のものです.
( ) ( ) is ( )? ― It's ( ) ( ).
Whose dictionary, that, my brother's
14) これらの白い花はシロツメクサで,あれらの黄色い花はタンポポです.
「シロツメクサ」white clover 「タンポポ」dandelion
( ) ( ) ( ) are white clovers, and ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) dandelions.
These white flowers, those yellow flowers are
15) 今日の札幌はとても寒いです.
( ) very cold ( ) Sapporo today.[2語以上が入ることもある.]
It is[It's], in
16) メグはアンのお姉さんですか.― はい,そうです.
( ) Meg Ann's sister? ― ( ), ( ) ( ).
Is, Yes, she is
17) あの女の子はテニスの選手ですか.― いいえ,彼女はマラソンの選手です.
( ) ( ) girl a tennis player? ― ( ), ( ) ( ) a marathon runner.
Is that, No, she is
18) 彼のカバン
( ) bag
19) 私はオーストラリアの出身です.
( ) ( ) Australia.
I'm from
20) これらは私たちのラケットで,あれらがあなたたちのです.
These are ( ) ( ) and those are ( ).
our rackets, yours
21) 彼女は高校生ではありません.
( ) ( ) a high school student.
She isn't[She's not]
22) あれは病院ではありません.
( ) ( ) a hospital.
That isn't[That's not]
23) たまご1個
( ) egg
24) 彼は何時にその門を開けましたか.― 10時40分です.
( ) he ( ) the gate ? ― He ( ) it ( ).
What time did, open, opened, at ten forty
25) あなたの家
( ) house
26) あなたはリーさんに日本語で話しかけたのですか.
( ) to Mr. Lee ( )?
Did you talk[speak], in Japanese
27) 5人の女の子と7人の男の子がその公園にいます.
( ) ( ) and ( ) ( ) are in the park.
Five girls, seven boys
28) 太陽
( ) sun
3. 次の空所に適語を入れなさい.
1) A: ( ) he play the guitar?
B:Yes, he ( ) . He is a good guitarist.
Can[Does], can[does]
2) A: ( ) ( ) of the week did you meet Mr. Green?
B:I ( ) him ( ) Tuesday.
What day, met, on
3) A: ( ) was the weather in Kyoto yesterday?
B: ( ) ( ) rainy.
How, It was
4) A: ( ) is the ( ) today?
B:It's January 18.
What, date
5) A: ( ) is your shirt, the blue one or the yellow one?
B:The blue one is mine. The yellow one is my father’s.
6) A: ( ) ( ) you looking for ?
B: I'm looking for my red pen.
What are
7) A: ( ) is ( ) ( ) today ?
B: It's October 12.
What, the date
8) A: ( ) is the weather today in Tokyo ?
B: ( ) rainy today.
How, It's
9) A: Please ( ) open the window. I'm a little cold.
B:Oh, I'm sorry.
10) A: ( ) ( ) is that orange cap ?
B: It's twenty five dollars.
How much
11) A: You are noisy. ( ) quiet in the library .
B: Oh, I'm sorry.
12) A: ( ) are you making?
B:I'm making some sandwiches for lunch. ( ) eat them together.
What, Let's
13) A: ( ) ( ) you arrive at Osaka Station ?
B: I arrived there ( ) Friday evening.
When did, on
14) A: ( ) Jim ( ) basketball ?
B: Yes, he likes it very much.
Does, like
15) A: ( ) time is ( ) now?
B:It's five thirty.
What, it
4. 次の英文を[ ]内の指示にしたがって,全文を書きかえなさい.
1) They don't play the piano at night.
They aren’t playing the piano now.
2) Is this your mother's racket?
Are these your mother's rackets?
3) John runs around the park every evening.
John is running around the park now.
4) That man is Mr. Takano.
Who is[Who's] that man?
5) We take a walk on the beach together.
Let’s take a walk on the beach together.
6) Mika and Tom were having lunch in the classroom.
Where were Mika and Tom having lunch?
7) I study with Tom in the library after school.
[下線部をat that timeに変えて]
I was studying with Tom in the library at that time.
8) I usually eat bread and milk for breakfast.
What do you usually eat for breakfast?
9) John knows that girl very well.
Does John know that girl very well ?
10) They are Japanese.
Are they Japanese or Chinese?
11) He bought three magazines at the bookstore yesterday.
He did not[didn't] buy three magazines at the bookstore yesterday.
12) We are high school students.
We are not[We aren't
We're not] high school students.
13) My mother drives me to the station every morning.
[下線部をlast Monday に変えて]
My mother drove me to the station last Monday.
14) That blue cap is my cap.
That blue cap is mine.
15) The children always study very hard.
The child always studies very hard.
16) Your brother is eleven.
Is your brother eleven or twelve?
17) These pencils are Ken's.
Whose are these pencils?
18) That tall girl is Jenny.
Who is[Who's] that tall girl?
19) Mr. Green uses his car on the weekend.
Does Mr. Green use his car on the weekend? ― Yes, he does.
20) You listen to the teacher very carefully.
Listen to the teacher very carefully.
21) This boy is a member of the baseball team.
These boys are members of the baseball team.
22) This animal is a camel.
[下線部をたずねる疑問文に] camel 「ラクダ」
What is[What's] this animal?
23) That man is a math teacher.
Those three men are math teachers.
24) Those girls sing well.
Do those girls sing well? ― No, they do not[don't].
25) Mr. Brown speaks Japanese.
Does Mr. Brown speak Japanese? ― No, he doesn't. .
26) This is our new uniform.
What is[What's] this?
27) My brother has a car. The car's color is red.
My brother has a car. Its color is red.
28) Meg bought her umbrella at that shop.
Did Meg buy her umbrella at that shop?
29) Aya and Shin come to school together.
Do Aya and Shin come to school together ?― Yes, they do.
30) Jim did his homework last night.
Jim did not[didn't] do his homework last night.
31) I left home at about seven thirty this morning.
What time[When] did you leave home this morning?
32) You are late for class.
Don’t be late for class.
33) This book is very interesting.
These five books are very interesting.
34) George drinks milk before breakfast.
George is drinking milk now.
35) My father likes beer very much.
[否定文に] beer「ビール」
My father does not[doesn't] like beer very much .
36) Naoki is 180 centimeters tall.
How tall is Naoki?
37) We can visit his house next Friday.
When can you visit his house?
38) That tall boy is a basketball player.
Those tall boys are basketball players.
39) We found a white rabbit in the woods yesterday.
What did you find in the woods yesterday?
40) I live in Sydney.
[主語をJaneに変えて] Sydney「シドニー」
Jane lives in Sydney.
41) It is a little cold in Nagano today,
[下線部をlast Sundayに変えて]
It was a little cold in Nagano last Sunday.
42) Meg got a T-shirt from Sally yesterday.
What did Meg get from Sally yesterday?
43) They are from Akita.
Are they from Akita or (fr Iwate?
44) The little child wants that cake.
The little child doesn't want that cake.
45) These shoes are Meg's.
Whose are these shoes?
46) I am a baseball player.
We are baseball players.
47) George has a new soccer ball.
George does not[doesn't] have a new soccer ball.
5. 次の日本文の意味を表すように,空所に適語(句)を入れて英文を完成しなさい.
1) 私の母はいつも午前中は忙しいです.[2語以上が入ることもある]
My mother ( ) busy ( ).
is always, in the morning
2) この映画はおもしろいですが,あの映画はおもしろくありません.[2語以上が入ることもある.]
This movie ( ) that movie ( ).
is interesting but, is not[isn't] interesting
3) 緑色か赤色か,どちらのシャツがあなたのですか.[2語以上が入ることもある]
( ) shirt ( ), the green one or the red one?
Which, is yours
4) トムは土曜日にはときどきいとこの家を訪ねます.[2語以上が入ることもある.]
Tom ( ) his cousin's house ( ) Saturdays.
sometimes visits, on
5) あの黄色のくだものは何ですか.[2語以上が入ることもある.]
( ) that ( ) fruit?
What is, yellow
6) 今日は少し暑いです.[2語以上が入ることもある.]
( ) a little ( ) today.
It is[It’s], hot
7) どうぞここにあなたの名前と住所を書いてください.[2語以上が入ることもある]
( ) your name and address here.
Please write[write down]
8) 私はどうすれば速く泳ぐことができますか.[2語以上が入ることもある.]
( ) I swim ( )?
How can, fast
9) あの建物は病院ですか,それとも図書館ですか.[2語以上が入ることもある.]
( ) building a hospital ( ) a library?
Is that, or
10) 私たちは体育館に行き,バスケットボールをしました.[2語以上が入ることもある.]
We ( ) the gym and ( ) basketball.
went to, played
11) 10時に会議を始めましょう.[2語以上が入ることもある]
( ) the meeting at ten.
Let’s start[begin]
12) だれがステージでピアノを弾いているのですか.[2語以上が入ることもある]
( ) the piano on the stage?
Who is playing
13) あなたはいつ宿題を終えることができますか.[2語以上が入ることもある]
( ) finish your homework?
When can you
14) 12時30分にパーティーを始めましょう.[2語以上が入ることもある.]
( ) the party ( ).
Let's start[begin], at twelve thirty
15) ミキは家に帰りましたが,トムは学校で勉強しました.[2語以上が入ることもある.]
Miki ( ) home, ( ) Tom ( ) at school.
went, but, studied
16) 先生は放課後よく私たちとサッカーをします.[2語以上が入ることもある]
Our teacher ( ) soccer with ( ).
often plays, us after school
17) ユウコは1週間前学校を休んでいましたか.―はい,休んでいました[2語以上が入ることもある.]
( ) Yuko absent ( ) school ( )? ― Yes, she ( ).
Was, from, a[one] week ago, was
18) どうしたらじょうずに歌が歌えますか.[2語以上が入ることもある] *「どうしたら~」:〈方法〉をたずねる
( ) can I ( ) songs well?
How, sing
19) あなたはその国について何を知っていますか.[2語以上が入ることもある]
( ) about the country?
What do you know
20) グリーン先生はいつ日本に戻って来られたのですか.[2語以上が入ることもある.]
( ) Mr. Green ( ) back to Japan?
When did, come
21) 8月5日の朝にここに来なさい.[2語以上が入ることもある.]
( ) here ( ) the morning of ( ).
Come, on, August 5
22) この部屋はとても寒いです.[2語以上が入ることもある.]
( ) in this room.
It’s very cold
23) このくつはあなたのですか,それとも彼のですか.[2語以上が入ることもある]
( ) these shoes ( )?
Are, yours or his
24) これらの制服は古いです.[2語以上が入ることもある.]
( ) uniforms ( ).
These, are old
25) 私たちは新しい制服をとても気に入っています.[2語以上が入ることもある]
( ) our new uniforms ( ).
We like, very much
26) あれは鳥ですか,それともコウモリですか.[2語以上が入ることもある.] bat 「コウモリ」
( ) bird ( ) bat?
Is that a, or a
27) 彼はだれの車を運転しているのですか.[2語以上が入ることもある]
( ) he ( )?
Whose car is, driving
28) トムは私の電話に出ませんでした.そのとき彼は田沢先生と話していました.[2語以上が入ることもある.]
Tom ( ) my phone call. He ( ) with Ms. Tazawa ( ) that time.
did not[didn’t] answer, was talking, at
29) あなたのとなりにすわってもいいですか.[2語以上が入ることもある] next to~ 「~のとなりに」
( ) next to you?
Can I sit
30) 私は今 勉強中です.うるさくしないでください.[2語以上が入ることもある]
( ) now. ( ) noisy.
I am[I'm] studying, Please don't be
31) 私は先週の木曜日に田中先生と会いました.[2語以上が入ることもある.]
I ( ) Ms. Tanaka ( ).
met[saw], last Thursday
32) 私の仕事を手伝ってくれませんか.[2語以上が入ることもある.]
( ) you ( ) me ( ) my job?
Can, help, with
33) 今日の午後 スイミングプールに行きましょう.[2語以上が入ることもある]
( ) the swimming pool this ( ).
Let's go to, afternoon
6. 次の日本文を英語に直しなさい.
1) 私は彼を知っていますが,彼は私を知りません.
I know him, but he doesn't know me.
2) これらの15題の問題はむずかしいですか.― いいえ,やさしいです.
Are these fifteen questions hard[difficult]?
― No, they are[they're] easy ./ No, they aren't[they're not].
They are[They're] easy.
3) 6人の女の子と4人の男の子がその教室にいます.
Six girls and four boys are in the classroom.
4) 6月6日の朝,私は公園で弟とキャッチボールをしていました.
I was playing catch with my brother in the park on the morning of June 6.
5) 私の父は青森出身です.私の母も青森出身です.
My father is from Aomori.
My mother is from Aomori too.
6) 今日は父と母は忙しくないですが,妹と私は忙しいです.
My mother and father are not[aren't] busy today but my sister and I are busy.
Today my mother and father aren't busy but my sister and I are busy.
7) 放課後いっしょに教室をそうじしましょう.
Let’s clean the classroom together after school.
8) ジムは3日前,電車でどこに行ったのですか.
Where did Jim go by train three days ago?
9) どうぞ静かにしてください.私の赤ちゃんが寝ているんです.
Please be quiet[Be quiet, please].
My baby is sleeping.
10) あの男の子たちは中学生ですか.― はい,そうです.
Are those boys junior high school students?
― Yes, they are.
11) あの男性はマイクのお父さんですか.― いいえ,ちがいます.彼はマイクのおじいさんです.
Is that man Mike's father?
― No, he isn't[he's not]. He is[He's] Mike's grandfather.
12) あの背の高い女性はだれですか.― 私の数学の先生です.
Who is[Who's] that tall woman?
― She is[She's] my math teacher.
13) 君たちは何を運んでいるのですか.― 私たちの新しい教科書を教室へ運んでいるのです.
What are you carrying?
― We’re carrying our new textbooks to the classroom.
14) 弟はたいてい父のラケットを使いますが,ときどきぼくのを使います.
My brother usually uses my[our] father’s racket but ( sometimes uses mine.
15) これはだれの腕時計ですか.― 私の父のです.
Whose watch is this?
― It's my father's.
16) 今日の午後いっしょにバスケットボールをしましょう.
Let’s play basketball together this afternoon.
17) 彼はどうやってここに来たのですか.― バスで来ました.
How did he come here?
― He came (he by bus .[By bus .のみも可.]
18) あなたは手に何を持っているのですか.―テニスボールを持っています.
What do you have in your hand ?
― I have a tennis ball.
19) 私の兄はときどき学校に遅刻します.
My brother is sometimes late for school.
20) 先週ミカはお母さんと神戸に行き,レストランで夕食を食べました.
Mika went to Kobe with her mother and ate[had] dinner at[in] the[a] restaurant last week . [last weekは文頭も可.]
21) これはだれのケーキですか.食べてもいいですか.
Whose cake is this?
Can I eat[have] it?
22) あなたは放課後にたいてい野球をしますか,それともサッカーをしますか.
Do you usually play baseball or soccer after school?
23) 昨夜あなたは何時に私に電話をかけましたか.―7時ごろで.着信履歴を見てください. 「着信履歴」call history
What time did you call me last night?
― At about seven. (Please look at your call history.
24) あなたのお母さんはどこであなたを待っておられるのですか.
Where is your mother waiting for you?
25) 明日8時30分に駅で会いましょう.― そうしましょう.
Let's meet at the station at eight thirty tomorrow.
― Yes, let's.
26) お母さんの具合はどうですか.― 母は元気です.ありがとう.
How is your mother?
― She is fine[well]. Thank you.
27) トム,明日は学校に遅刻してはいけませんよ.
Tom, don’t be late for school tomorrow.
[Don’t be late for school tomorrow, Tom].
28) あれはトムの絵です.その絵はとても美しいです.
That is[That's] Tom's picture.
The picture[It] is[It's] very beautiful.
29) あなたは何時にその部屋を出たのですか.― 午後3時に出ました.
What time did you leave[go out of] the room?
― I left[went out of] the room at three (o’clo in the afternoon[p. m].
30) トムはその女の子の名前は知りませんが,その子のことが好きです.
Tom does not[doesn't] know the girl's name, but he likes her.
31) 長野では,今日は雪が降っています.
In Nagano it is[it's] snowing today.
/It is[It's] snowing in Nagano today.
32) これはだれの教科書ですか.― 私のです.
Whose textbook is this?
― It's mine.
33) あなたは昨日どちらの本を読みましたか.― この本を読みました.
Which book did you read yesterday?
― I read this book.
34) あなたのお父さんはふだん週末は何をしておられるのですか.―ゴルフをしています.
What does your father usually do on the weekend[on weekends] ?
― He plays golf.
35) 彼は10月1日の朝に東京に着き,タクシーでホテルに行きました.
He arrived at[in] Tokyo on the morning of October 1 and went to the[a] hotel by taxi.
36) あの窓を閉めてくれませんか.―いいですよ.
Can you close[shut] that window ?
― Sure[All right].
37) このイスにすわってもいいですか.―いいですよ.
Can I sit on this chair?
― Sure[All right/Yes, you can].
38) この写真は太陽ですか,それとも月ですか.
Is this picture the sun or the moon?
39) あなたのお兄さんは高校生ですか.― はい,そうです.
Is your brother a high school student?
― Yes, he is.
40) 私はジェーンの妹ではありません.
I am[I'm] not Jane's sister.
41) 先週の土曜日は雨が降りました.
It rained last Saturday.
42) 彼女はコートを何着持っているのですか.
How many coats does she have?
43) どうぞそのドアを開けないでください.生徒たちが勉強中です.
Please don’t open the door
[Don’t open the door, please]. T
he students are studying.
44) トムはそのときどこにいましたか.―図書館で勉強中でした.
Where was Tom then[at that time]?
― He was studying in[at] the library.
45) カナはよくその書店に行って,何冊か本を買います.
Kana often goes to the bookstore[bookshop] and buys some books.
46) これは私の先生の本で,その本はとてもおもしろいです.
This is my teacher's book and the book[it] is[it's] very interesting.
47) 今日の東京の天気はどうですか.― 今日はくもりです.
How is the weather in Tokyo today?
― It is[It's] cloudy today.
48) あの若い女の人はだれですか.― ユカリのお姉さんです.
Who is[Who's] that young woman?
― She is[She's] Yukari's sister.
49) あれらの白い動物は犬ですか,それともヒツジですか.
Are those white animals dogs or sheep?
7. 次の英文中の( )内の語を適当な形にしなさい.
1) ( be) you sick today?
2) Jim and George ( run) in the schoolyard now.
are running
3) We ( have) lunch in the classroom now.
are having
4) My mother ( cut) my sister’s hair now.
is cutting
5) Meg ( like) cats very much.
6) I ( know) his name. It's Hiroto.
7) A big tree ( stand) on the hill.
8) Those three men ( dance) very well.
9) Tom and Yumi ( have) lunch together every Friday.
10) My sister and I ( try) this puzzle now.
are trying
11) We ( know) your father well.
12) Kenji ( do) his homework before dinner every day.
13) Mika and Tom ( play) basketball very well.
14) That long coat ( be) mine.
15) The moon ( move) around the earth.
16) Jane ( listen) to music in her room then.
was listening
17) We ( take) a taxi from here to the station yesterday.
18) Ken ( be) very tired and ( go) to bed early last night.
was, went
19) My mother ( make) a birthday cake for me last night.
20) Mr. White ( teach) science to us last year.
21) Last week Bob ( tell) an interesting story to us.
22) Ms. Smith ( watch) the TV drama every Friday.
23) I ( see) a monkey near that temple yesterday.
24) My mother ( play) the piano very well.
25) Those three boys ( be) my brothers.
26) The students ( walk) to the library every day.
27) I ( study) math for three hours yesterday.
28) ( be) they hungry now?
29) ( be) this your basketball?
30) Mika and Jim ( read) books in the library now.
are reading
31) Our dog ( sleep) on the sofa now.
is sleeping
32) That yellow house ( be) my uncle’s.
33) ( be) that girl your friend?
34) Ms. Green ( be) a police officer.
35) My sister ( study) science at university.
university 「大学」
36) The children ( study) English very hard.
37) We ( see) a lot of stars in the sky last night.
38) The children ( be) playing soccer in the park then.
39) ( be) Meg and John from Australia?
40) The student ( swim) very fast.
41) Tom is very busy. He ( have) a lot of homework today.
42) Jim and I ( be) good friends.
43) ( be) I a good tennis player?
44) ( be) the students enjoying the concert then?
45) I ( be) very busy on Saturdays.
46) We ( wait) for the bus for thirty minutes yesterday.
47) ( be) these three cats yours?
48) I ( read) ten books last month.
49) Look! It ( snow) outside.
is snowing
50) They ( come) from India.
51) Those horses ( be) very beautiful.
52) Our house ( stand) by the river.
53) Kate ( play) the violin in music class at that time.
was playing
54) Don’t ( be) late for the meeting. You ( be) late yesterday.
be, were
55) Mr. Brown ( leave) for New York yesterday afternoon.
56) My father ( teach) math at a junior high school.
57) Hayato ( hit) a home run last Sunday.
58) The students ( be) not studying in the library now.
59) A dog ( be) sitting under the tree now.
60) I ( like) soccer very much.
中2 総合問題
1. 次の空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを選びなさい.
1) Must we hand in the homework now? ― No, you ( ).
① may not ② mustn't ③ don't have to
2) How ( ) people took part in the ceremony? ― About thirty.
① little ② many ③ much
3) My father bought three ( ) at the store.
① pair of socks ② pairs of socks
4) Time is the most precious ( ) all things.
① in ② of
5) I tried ( ) the soup, but it was awful.
① to eat ② eating
6) My father left home ( ) hour ago.
① the ② a ③ an
7) ( ) there any water in the bottle?
① Is ② Are
8) There aren't ( ) cookies on the table.
① any ② some
9) He drank a ( ) of milk in the kitchen.
① glass ② piece ③ sheet
10) Are you good at ( )?
① to sing ② singing
11) Don't forget ( ) your hands before eating.
① to wash ② washing
12) My father cooks best ( ) my family.
① in ② of
13) Bob entered the house without ( ) off his shoes.
① to take ② taking
14) We drove ( ) the long tunnel.
① among ② about ③ through
15) ( ) help me with the dishes? ― Sure.
① Would you ② Can I ③ Shall I
16) We decided ( ) a new house next year.
① to buy ② buying
17) We're looking forward ( ) you again.
① to see ② to seeing
18) There ( ) a lot of snow in the schoolyard.
① is ② are
19) My brother remembers ( ) with you in his childhood.
① to play ② playing
20) Stop ( ) and look at the blackboard.
① to talk ② talking
21) George is the most active ( ) our class.
① in ② of
22) Get up now, ( ) you won't catch the bus.
① and ② so ③ or
23) Jane is the smartest ( ) the three girls.
① in ② of
24) Does she ( ) go home at once?
① has to ② have to ③ must
25) I want ( ).
① something to eat hot ② something hot to eat
26) I have to stay at home ( ) my parents come home.
① but ② so ③ that ④ because ⑤ until
27) The woman had two cups of ( ) after lunch.
① tea ② teas
28) I think he will win the game ( ) he is in good condition.
be in good condition 「調子がよい」
① so ② that ③ because
29) My father likes soccer very much, ( ) he can't play it well.
① but ② so ③ that ④ because ⑤ until
30) John is fond of ( ).
① to cook ② cooking
31) Jim was absent from school ( ) he had a cold.
① but ② so ③ that ④ because ⑤ until
32) Hurry up, ( ) you will miss the last train.
① and ② or ③ so
33) We enjoyed ( ) during the summer holidays.
① us ② ourselves
34) Ted didn't eat lunch today. He ( ) be hungry now.
① can't ② won't ③ must
35) He is one of the greatest baseball players ( ) Japan.
① in ② of
36) Yumi takes piano lessons twice ( ) week.
① a ② the
37) This is the most difficult question ( ) them all.
① in ② of
38) What do you call this fish ( ) English?
① in ② with ③ by
39) We will be able to travel to ( ) moon in the future.
① a ② the
40) Mr. Green always uses ( ) during his class.
① a blue chalk ② a piece of blue chalk
41) ( ) use this chair? ― I'm sorry, but you can't.
① Could you ② May I ③ Would you
42) Do you think ( ) the news is true?
① but ② so ③ that ④ because ⑤ until
43) I hope ( ) the test.
① to pass ② passing
44) ( ) bring some tea for you? ― Oh, thank you.
① Will you ② Can you ③ Shall I
45) Mr. Green bought two ( ) of shoes in France.
① piece ② pair ③ pairs
46) ( ) there many children at the concert?
① Was ② Were
47) ( ) were you studying? ― In the living room.
① When ② Where ③ Why
48) They enjoyed ( ) the movie on Sunday.
① to watch ② watching
49) I lost my wallet, so I have to buy ( ).
① one ② it ③ them
50) Ann came back to Japan from Chicago by ( ).
① plane ② the plane
51) Would you write your name on this paper ( ) a pen?
① in ② with ③ by
52) There ( ) some children in the room a few hours ago.
① is ② are ③ were
53) I bought a new hat yesterday. I like ( ) very much.
① one ② it ③ them
54) Don't forget ( ) an umbrella tomorrow.
① to bring ② bringing
55) My mother ( ) play the piano, but my father can't.
① can ② must ③ should
56) There is ( ) on that tree.
① bird ② a bird
57) Please help ( ) to a drink.
① you ② yours ③ yourself
58) We love ( ) very much.
① music ② a music
59) I didn't have breakfast, ( ) I'm very hungry now.
① but ② so ③ that ④ because ⑤ until
60) How ( ) do you go to the swimming pool? ― Twice a week.
① far ② long ③ often
61) There ( ) three tigers in the cage.
① is ② are
62) Tokyo is the biggest city ( ) Japan.
① in ② of
2. 次の日本文の意味に合うように,空所に適語を入れなさい.
1) 私はどちらの本を読めばよいかわかりません.
I don't ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) read.
know which book to
2) 彼はどこに行けばよいか知っているかもしれません.
He ( ) know ( ) ( ) ( ).
may, where to go
3) 空を見上げてごらんなさい.そうすれば,たくさんの美しい星が見えますよ.
( ) up at the sky, ( ) you'll see a lot of beautiful stars.
Look, and
4) 父は1時間前に車を洗い終えました.
My father ( ) his car an hour ago.
finished washing
5) ジョンは昨日は学校に来なかったよね.―うん,来なかったね.
John didn't come to school yesterday, ( )? ― ( ), he ( ).
did he, No, didn't
6) 私には兄が2人います.1人は高校生で,もう1人は大学生です.
I have two brothers. ( ) is a high school student, and ( ) ( ) is a college student.
One, the other
7) その試験に合格するのはますます難しくなってきています.
It's becoming ( ) to pass the exam.
more and more difficult[harder and harder]
8) 私たちはここで昼食を食べてもいいですか.
( ) ( ) have lunch here?
Can we[May we]
9) あなたは何回鎌倉に行ったことがありますか.
( ) times ( ) you ( ) Kamakura?
How many, have, been to
10) いっしょにあの山に登りましょう.―ええ,そうしましょう.
( ) that mountain together. ― Yes, ( ).
Let's climb, let's
11) 今日 カイトは昨日よりも楽しそうに見えます.
Kaito looks ( ) today ( ) yesterday.
happier, than
12) 私は疲れていて,あなたほど速く歩くことができません.
I'm tired, so I ( ) walk ( ) you.
can't, as[so] fast as
13) 私はその店でくつを2足買うつもりです.
I'm ( ) two ( ) at the store.
going to buy, pairs of shoes
14) あなたの宿題を手伝ってくれるなんて,彼はとてもやさしいにちがいありません.
He ( ) ( ) very kind ( ) ( ) you ( ) your homework.
must be, to help, with
15) この教会は世界で最も有名な建築物の1つです.
This church is one ( ) the world.
of the most famous buildings in
16) その本は読めば読むほど,ますますおもしろくなるでしょう.
The more you read the book, ( ) it will be.
the more interesting
17) そのかぎはどこで見つかったのですか.
( ) the key ( )?
Where was, found
18) 10分ほど前に雨がやみました.
( ) stopped ( ) about ten minutes ago.
It, raining
19) どのくらい中国に住んでいらっしゃるのですか.
( ) you ( ) in China?
How long have, lived
20) めがねはもう見つかった?―いや,まだなんだ.
( ) you ( ) your ( ) yet? ― No, not yet.
Have, found, glasses
21) ジョンはすぐに日本語がじょうずに話せるようになるでしょう.
John will ( ) ( ) ( ) speak Japanese well soon.
be able to
22) これは世界で最も有名な本の1冊です.私はそれを何度も読んだことがあります.
This is ( ) famous ( ) in the world. I ( ) it ( ).
one of the most, books, have read, many times
23) 私は何をしていいかわからなかったので,ひとことも言わずにそこにすわっていました.
As I didn't know ( ), I sat there ( ) saying a word.
what to do, without
24) 決してそんなことをお母さんに言ってはいけませんよ.
( ) such a thing to your mother.
Never say
25) 6家族がそのマンションに住んでいます.
( ) ( ) ( ) in the apartment building.
Six families live
26) もう1度午後に電話をしていただけませんか.
Would you mind ( ) me again this afternoon?
27) 飛行機に乗っている間に富士山が見えました.
I saw Mt. Fuji ( ) I was on a plane.
28) すぐにそこに行かなければならないの?―いや,その必要はないよ.
( ) I ( ) there at once? ― No, you ( ) have ( ).
Must, go, don't, to
29) 君たちが自分たちで問題を解決することが大切なのです.
It ( ) you ( ) the problem by yourselves.
is important for, to solve
30) このホテルへの行き方を教えてくれませんか.
Can you ( ) how to get to this hotel?
tell me
31) ここに来てケーキを自由にお取りください.
( ) and help ( ) the cakes.
Please come here, yourself[yourselves] to
32) どこでピアノの練習をするつもりなの?
( ) are you ( ) ( ) practice the piano?
Where, going to
33) その男の子たちはそれぞれ自分のタブレットを持っています.
( ) of the ( ) ( ) his own tablet.
Each, boys has
34) 今までにこの果物を食べたことがありますか.
( ) this fruit?
Have you ever eaten[had]
35) 私はそのシャツは買わないことに決めました.
I ( ) ( ) ( ) buy the shirt.
decided not to
36) 静かにしてよ.でないとママに聞こえちゃうよ.
( ) ( ), ( ) Mom will hear us.
Be quiet, or
37) あの山は世界で最も高い山の1つです.
That mountain is ( ) in the world.
one of the highest mountains
38) 私たちはその知らせを聞いてとても驚きました.
We were very ( ) ( ) ( ) the news.
surprised to hear
39) あのベンチで休憩しませんか.
( ) about ( ) a rest on that bench?
How, taking
40) 納豆は日本中で食べられています.
Natto ( ) all over Japan.
is eaten
41) あなたのお父さんに私たちといっしょに来てくれるように頼んでいただけませんか.
Would you ask ( ) ( ) ( ) come with us?
your father to
42) 私たちは金曜までにこの作文を提出しなければならないでしょう.
We will ( ) hand in this essay ( ) Friday.
have to, by
43) 私は子どものころ,よくその店で本を買いました.
I ( ) books at that store ( ) was a child.
often bought, when I
44) 私にとって,友情ほど大切なものはないと思います.
I think that ( ) is as ( ) as friendship to me.
nothing, important[precious]
45) アレックスは海岸沿いを散歩しました.
Alex took a walk ( ) the coast.
46) 彼女は1枚の紙と2杯のコーヒーを持ってきました.
She brought a ( ) ( ) paper and two ( ) of coffee.
sheet[piece] of, cups
47) 明日学校を休むかもしれません.
I ( ) be ( ) from school tomorrow.
may, absent
48) あなたのカメラは私のよりもずっと小さくて軽いです.
Your camera is ( ) and ( ) than mine.
much[far] smaller, lighter
49) その町には訪れるべき場所がたくさんあります.
( ) ( ) a lot of places ( ) ( ) in the town.
There are, to visit
50) あなたはもっとゆっくり運転したほうがいいですよ.
You should drive ( ).
more slowly
51) 私はトムと長年の知り合いです.
I ( ) Tom ( ) many years.
have known, for
52) 私たちの生活にとってエネルギーを節約することがますます重要になってきています.
Saving energy is becoming ( ) to our life.
more and more important
53) あなたはいつも机をきれいにしていますよね.
You always keep ( ), ( )?
your desk clean, don't you
54) ジョンは1人でその山に登ろうとしましたが,それは不可能でした.
John ( ) the mountain alone, but he couldn't.
tried to climb
55) 果物をたくさん食べることは健康によい.
( ) ( ) ( ) for your health ( ) ( ) a lot of fruit.
It is good, to eat[have]
56) 私は留学することに興味をもっています.
I'm ( ) abroad.
interested in studying
57) 君はこの計画に賛成ですか,それとも反対ですか.
Are you ( ) or ( ) this plan?
for, against
3. 次の英文を[ ]内の指示に従って書きかえなさい.
1) There is a pair of glasses on the desk.
There are two pairs of glasses on the desk.
2) John lives in Kanagawa now.
John lives in Kanagawa now, doesn't he?
3) I had a headache, so I went to bed early.
I went to bed early because I had a headache.
4) Emily had a cup of tea on the sofa.
Emily had three cups of tea on the sofa.
5) My mother made me a new dress.
My mother made a new dress for me.
6) It is rainy in Sydney.
[文末にnext Sundayを加え,willを使って]
It will be rainy in Sydney next Sunday.
7) Was this room used by the students?
Did the students use this room?
8) Satoshi will come home at about six thirty.
What time[When] will Satoshi come home?
9) Ren went to Fukuoka by a plane.
Ren went to Fukuoka by plane.
10) I like Mika because she is always cheerful.
[下線部をたずねる疑問文に] cheerful「明るい」
Why do you like Mika?
11) Meg is going to stay at your house this weekend.
Who is going to stay at your house this weekend?
12) There were some mistakes in his English letter.
Were there any mistakes in his English letter?
13) Yuki and Aki are going to study abroad this spring.
Are Yuki and Aki going to study abroad this spring?
14) Mr. White is going to stay in Nagoya for three days.
How long[How many days] is Mr. White going to stay in Nagoya?
15) We will have dinner at that restaurant this evening.
We will not[won't] have dinner at that restaurant this evening.
16) You must take off your shoes in this room.
[命令文に] take off ~ 「~をぬぐ」
Take off your shoes in this room.
17) You must not be late for the meeting.
Don't be late for the meeting.
18) Kate gave some cookies to the little boy.
Kate gave the little boy some cookies.
19) I study Japanese history.
[文末にtomorrow afternoonを加え,be going toを使って]
I am[I'm] going to study Japanese history tomorrow afternoon.
20) Janet broke the vase.
The vase was broken by Janet.
21) Jane is going to buy some eggs at that store.
What is Jane going to buy at that store?
22) You are very sleepy today.
You must be very sleepy today.
4. 次の日本文を英語に直しなさい.
1) トム,もう手は洗ったの?
Tom, have you washed your hands yet?
2) 早く寝なさい.でないと,明日6時に起きられませんよ.
Go to bed early[soon], or you won't be able to get up at six (o'clo tomorrow.
3) 私たちはその犬をマックス(Max)と呼んでいます.
We call the dog Max.
4) 私はかぜをひいているのかもしれません.今日は早く寝ます.
I may have a cold. I will go to bed early today.
5) そのびんには牛乳がいくらか入っていますか.
Is there any milk in the bottle?
6) 私の父は何年もこの車をほしがっています.
My father has wanted this car for many years.
7) 毎日練習しなさい.そうすれば,次の試合に勝てるでしょう.
Practice every day, and you'll[you will] win the next game.
8) 10時です.式を始めましょう.
It is[It's] ten (o'clo. Let's begin[start] the ceremony.
9) 私たちはこの部屋を使ってもいいですか.3時にミーティングをする予定なのです.
Can[May] we use this room? We are going to have a meeting at three (o'clo.
10) 君はこの本を何回読んだことがありますか.
How many times[How often] have you read this book?
11) 牛乳を1杯飲んでもいいですか.
Can[May] I have[drink] a glass of milk?
12) 壁にかかっている絵はとても価値があるように見えました.
The picture[painting] on the wall looked very valuable.
13) 日本で彼女ほど歌のうまい歌手はいません.
No (oth singer in Japan sings as[so] well as she (do [as her].
No (oth singer in Japan sings better than she (do [than her].
14) 私の妹は海で泳ぐのをこわがります.
My sister is afraid of swimming in the sea.
15) 君は3年前にぼくとバスケットボールをしたことを覚えていますか.
Do you remember playing basketball with me three years ago?
16) ますます多くの子どもたちが英語に興味をもっています.
More and more children are interested in English.
17) この本にはいくつかまちがいがあります.
There are some mistakes in this book.
This book has some mistakes.
18) 私は来週 あなたとコンサートに行くのを楽しみにしています.
I am[I'm] looking forward to going to the concert with you next week.
19) できるだけ慎重にその箱を運びなさい.
Carry the box as carefully as possible[you can].
20) 交通渋滞のせいで,ジムは会議に遅刻しました.
「交通渋滞」traffic jam
Because of a[the] traffic jam, Jim was late for the meeting.
21) 彼女は次に何をすべきかを決めることが必要です.
It is[It's] necessary for her to decide what to do next.
22) あなたは明日までにその本を読み終えることはできないでしょう.
You won't[will not] be able to finish reading the book by tomorrow.
23) 君はその女の子に何を言うつもりなのですか.
What are you going to say to the[that] girl?
What will you say to the[that] girl?
24) 先生にたずねてごらんなさい.そうすれば,次に何をすべきかわかりますよ.
Ask your teacher, and you'll[you will] know[understand] what to do next.
25) 会議に遅刻して本当にすみません.
I'm very[really] sorry to be late[for being late] for the meeting.
26) 私は弟の約3倍の本を持っています.
I have about three times as many books as my brother.
27) もし明日雨が降れば,映画を見に行こうよ.
If it rains tomorrow, let's go to see a movie.
Let's go to see a movie if it rains tomorrow.
28) この工場では何がリサイクルされていますか.
What is recycled in this factory? 「工場」 factory
29) 英語を習得する一番よい方法は何ですか.
「方法」 way 「~するための方法」と考える
What is the best way to master[learn] English?
30) このクラスでは,サヤカが一番活発に見えます.
Sayaka looks the most active in this class.
31) その男性は月に1度この島を訪れます.
The man visits this island once a month.
32) 私の母は犬が好きではありません.―私の母もです.
My mother doesn't like dogs. ― My mother doesn't (like do, either.
33) 空港に着いたらすぐに,私に電話をしてください.
Please call me as soon as you get to[arrive at] the airport.
As soon as you get to[arrive at] the airport, please call me.
34) 私の家はあなたの家ほど広くありません.
My house is not[isn't] as[so] large[big] as yours.
35) スミスさん(Mr. Smith)が亡くなって3年になります.
It has been[is] three years since Mr. Smith died.
Three years have passed since Mr. Smith died.
Mr. Smith has been dead for three years.
Mr. Smith died three years ago.
36) 放課後いっしょに勉強しませんか.
Shall we study together after school?
37) その生徒たちの中には,英語が好きな者もいれば,数学が好きな者もいます.
Some of the students like English and others (li math[mathematics].
38) 新しいこの辞書は古いものと比べるとずっと役に立ちます.
This new dictionary is much[far] more useful than the old one.
39) どうしてあなたはそんなまちがいをしたのですか.
Why did you make such a mistake?
40) あなたは明日何時にトムに電話をする予定ですか.
What time are you going to call Tom tomorrow?
5. 次の英文を日本語に直しなさい.
1) My mother arrived at the airport just now..
2) Have you finished reading the book yet? ― No, not yet.
3) We want to know how to use the machine.
4) A lot of magazines are sold at the convenience store.
5) The teacher told the students to stop talking.
6) How many times have you been to Hokkaido? ― Three times.
あなたは何回北海道に行ったことがありますか.― 3回あります.
7) How about going out somewhere this weekend?
8) We have been good friends since we were children.
9) It will be impossible for them to finish the job by tomorrow.
10) The boy must be a genius to solve the problem in five minutes.
6. [ ]内の指示に従って単語を書きかえなさい.
1) useful
more useful, most useful
2) light
lighter, lightest
3) heavy
heavier, heaviest
4) large
larger, largest
5) new
newer, newest
6) bad
worse, worst
7) busy
busier, busiest
8) hot
hotter, hottest
9) well
better, best
10) careless
more careless, most careless
7. 次の英文中の( )内の語を適当な形にしなさい.
1) I can't eat so ( much ) as you.
2) My test score today is ( bad ) than yours.
3) This morning I got up ( early ) than usual.
[必要に応じて] than usual 「いつもより」
4) My brother is ( tall ) than my mother.
5) I think this dog is ( cute ) than that one.
中3 総合問題
1. 次の英文の空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを選びなさい.
1) Both of my parents ( ) this school.
① graduated ② graduated to ③ graduated from
2) I have a friend ( ) plays the violin very well.
① who ② which ③ whose ④ whom
3) Brazil is the country ( ) my father lived in for ten years.
① where ② when ③ which
4) How many times ( ) day do you usually walk your dog?
① a ② an ③ the
5) My mother works for a company ( ) sells furniture.
① who ② which ③ whose ④ whom
6) Do you know ( ) your mother grew these roses?
① which ② whose ③ how
7) We went to the sea three times ( ) the summer vacation.
① during ② for
8) Miki and I ( ) each other since we were in elementary school.
① have known ② have been knowing
9) Look at the boy and the dog ( ) are playing in the river.
① who ② whose ③ that
10) Look at the robot ( ) on the stage! It’s a good dancer!
① dancing ② danced
11) I heard John ( ) the guitar in the next room.
① playing ② played
12) The panda ( ) was born in the zoo two months ago hasn't been named yet.
① who ② which ③ whose ④ whom
13) I would like to know the reason ( ) she quit the job.
① why ② which ③ how
14) April is the month ( ) I was born.
① where ② when ③ which
15) The woman was looking at the girls ( ) with a little dog.
① playing ② played
16) The dog ( ) ears are very long is Cathy's.
① who ② which ③ whose ④ whom
17) Do you know anyone ( ) father or mother is a doctor?
① who ② which ③ whose ④ whom
18) When I got home, my brother ( ) dinner.
① have already finished ② had already finished
19) You have just eaten enough. You ( ) be hungry now.
① can't ② should ③ must
20) Your essay is worth ( ) twice..
① to read ② reading
21) Monday is the day on ( ) I take piano lessons.
① when ② which ③ that
22) The treasure remains ( ) somewhere.
① hiding ② hidden
treasure「宝物,財宝」 ②
23) Bob ( ) Ms. Ito since he was a little boy.
① knows ② knew ③ has known
24) I ( ) often play the piano when I was a child.
① would ② should ③ used
25) Remember ( ) Ms. Johnson after school.
① to meet ② meeting
26) ( ) happened next?
① What do you think ② Do you think what
27) I have decided ( ) the brass band club.
brass band 「ブラスバンド」
① to join ② joining
28) Thank you ( ) me the photos.
① to send ② sending ③ for sending
29) You should keep the door ( ) while I am away.
① locking ② locked
30) You have to be here until the other students ( ) back.
① came ② come ③ will come
31) This is a restaurant ( ) you can eat fresh fish.
① where ② when ③ which
32) The police ( ) looking for a lost child now.
① is ② are ③ were
33) We are looking forward ( ) you again.
① to see ② to seeing ③ of seeing
34) The girl ( ) has a red balloon is my sister.
① who ② whose ③ whom
35) Aren't you tired? You ( ) for an hour.
① have swum ② have been swimming
36) What club ( ) to?
① do you belong ② are you belonging ③ were you belonging
37) Kana and I have been best friends ( ) we were little children.
① before ② since
38) Let's go to the restaurant ( ) was shown on TV.
① which ② where ③ who
39) ( ) of the students has to make a speech.
① Both ② All ③ Each
40) Kate ( ) when the telephone rang.
① sleeps ② slept ③ was sleeping
41) I will never forget ( ) the aurora in Canada last summer.
aurora 「オーロラ」
① to see ② seeing
42) If I ( ) you, I wouldn't worry about it.
① am ② are ③ were
43) Why don't you have your bike ( )?
① repair ② repaired
44) That is the hotel ( ) Ms. Ishii designed three years ago.
① who ② which ③ whose ④ whom
45) ( ) show me how to use this machine?
① Would you ② Shall I ③ Shall we
46) There are some nice caps at that shop. I want to buy ( ).
① it ② one
47) What ( ) at about this time yesterday?
① were you doing ② have you been doing
48) My mother made me ( ) to the supermarket in the rain.
① going ② to go ③ go
49) The meeting will be over ( ) half an hour.
① with ② within
50) I'm looking for a book ( ) cover is green.
① who ② whose ③ whom
51) Would you mind ( ) on the radio?
① turning ② to turn
52) Ms. Tanaka is a woman ( ) I respect.
① which ② whose ③ whom
53) Keep ( ) to realize your dream.
realize 「~を実現する」
① studying ② studied
54) You must not leave the door ( ) at night.
① unlocking ② unlocked
55) This must be the point ( ) you are mistaken.
① which ② where ③ when
56) My father has given up ( ).
① to smoke ② smoking
57) Mana ( ) such a mistake if she had listened to his advice.
① didn't make ② wouldn't have made ③ hadn't made
58) We will ( ) San Francisco tomorrow afternoon.
① arrive ② arrive in ③ reach at
59) I always have a glass of milk and a ( ) egg for breakfast.
① boiling ② boiled
60) I have never seen such an ( ) movie before.
① exciting ② excited
61) Would you mind ( ) me how to play shogi?
① to teach ② teaching
62) When ( ) in the United States?
① were you ② have you been ③ did you
63) ( ) do you think of my new dress?
① What ② How
64) Thank you ( ) me with the dishes.
① to help ② for helping
2. 次の英文の下線部と同じ用法の不定詞を含む英文を1つ選びなさい.
1) The man must be very kind to save the injured dog.
① You have to study more to pass the test.
② I'm sorry to trouble you, but could you show me the way to Kyoto Station?
③ Would you like something cold to drink?
④ It is pleasant to get up early and walk along the river.
⑤ You were a fool to leave your bag on the train.
2) I would like to have another piece of cake.
① You have to study more to pass the test.
② I'm sorry to trouble you, but could you show me the way to Kyoto Station?
③ Would you like something cold to drink?
④ It is pleasant to get up early and walk along the river.
⑤ You were a fool to leave your bag on the train.
3) We are very glad to hear about your success.
① You have to study more to pass the test.
② I'm sorry to trouble you, but could you show me the way to Kyoto Station?
③ Would you like something cold to drink?
④ It is pleasant to get up early and walk along the river.
⑤ You were a fool to leave your bag on the train.
4) I had no time to check the answers again during the test.
① You have to study more to pass the test.
② I'm sorry to trouble you, but could you show me the way to Kyoto Station?
③ Would you like something cold to drink?
④ It is pleasant to get up early and walk along the river.
⑤ You were a fool to leave your bag on the train.
5) Yuri went to the supermarket to buy some eggs.
① You have to study more to pass the test.
② I'm sorry to trouble you, but could you show me the way to Kyoto Station?
③ Would you like something cold to drink?
④ It is pleasant to get up early and walk along the river.
⑤ You were a fool to leave your bag on the train.
3. 次の日本文の意味に合うように,空所に適語を入れなさい.
1) 今日はいつもより少し早く起きました.
I got up ( ) ( ) ( ) than usual.
a little earlier
2) 君はもうコンピュータを直してもらいましたか.
Have you ( ) your computer ( ) yet?
had[got], repaired[fixed]
3) その母親は息子が道路を渡るのを注意深く見守っていました.
The mother was carefully ( ) her ( ) ( ) the road.
watching, son cross
4) 私は姉より3歳年下です.
I am ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) my sister.
three years younger than
5) 昨日あそこでチケットを買っておけばよかったなあ.
I wish I ( ) ( ) the ticket there yesterday.
had bought[got]
6) その機械には何かおかしなところがあるのですか.
Is there ( ) about the machine?
anything strange
7) どの箱を動かせばよいか私が先生にたずねましょうか.
( ) ( ) ask the teacher ( ) box ( ) move?
Shall I, which, to
8) 私の兄の2人ともがギターを弾くことに興味をもっています.
( ) of my brothers ( ) ( ) in ( ) the guitar.
Both, are interested, playing
9) アキはちょうど今学校を出たところなので,今家にいるはずがありません.
Aki ( ) be home now because she ( ) school.
cannot[can’t], has just left
10) だれが最初にここにやってくると思いますか.
( ) here first?
Who do you think will come
11) ヒトミ,もう宿題は終わりましたか.
Hitomi, ( ) you ( ) your homework yet?
have, finished[done]
12) 弟はまるでその問題を全部自分で解いたかのような顔をしている.
My brother looks ( ) ( ) he ( ) ( ) all the problems by himself.
as if, had solved
13) その科学者はいつ新しい惑星を発見したのですか.
When ( ) the scientist ( ) the new planet?
did, discover[find]
14) ナオキは富士山に1度も登ったことがありません.
Naoki ( ) ( ) ( ) Mt. Fuji.
has never[not] climbed
15) 私は今,姉と同じくらいの額のお金を持っています.
I have about as ( ) my sister has now.
much money as
16) その女の子は遊び相手を欲しがっているのです.
The girl wants someone ( ) ( ) ( ).
to play with
17) だれがあの絵を描いたか知っていますか.
Do you know ( ) ( ) that ( )?
who painted[drew], picture
18) 君は明日にはその絵を完成しなければならないでしょう.
You will ( ) ( ) ( ) the picture tomorrow.
have to finish
19) 彼の小説は世界中の多くの人々に知られています.
His novel is ( ) ( ) a lot of people all over the world.
known to
20) 大雨のため,野外コンサートは延期になりました.
The outdoor concert ( ) put ( ) ( ) of the heavy rain.
was, off because
21) 君はもうその雑誌を買いましたか.―いいえ,まだなんです.
( ) the magazine ( )? ― ( ), not ( ).
Have you bought, yet, No, yet
22) ユリはプロ並みに歌がうまいです.
Yuri sings ( ) ( ) ( ) a professional singer.
as well as
23) このようにして,私はジェーンと友だちになりました.
This is ( ) ( ) I ( ) ( ) with Jane.
the way, made friends
24) どのカサを買えばよいかもう決めましたか.
Have you decided ( ) umbrella ( ) ( ) yet?
which, to buy
25) 私の母は,その2人の女性のうち背が高いほうです.
My mother is ( ) ( ) of ( ) ( ) women.
the taller, the two
26) 災害に備えておくことは大切です.
( ) is ( ) for a disaster.
It, important to prepare[get ready]
27) 君はそのチケットをだれにもらったのですか.
Who were you ( )?
given the ticket by
28) 同じ間違いをもう一度するなんて,君は不注意だったね.
You ( ) the same mistake again.
were careless to make
29) このクッキーは新鮮な牛乳とバターで作られているのでとてもおいしいです.
These cookies are very good because they ( ) fresh milk and butter.
are made from
30) ユニフォームが黄色いあの選手がゴールキーパーです.
That player ( ) jersey is yellow ( ) a goalkeeper.
whose, is
31) この学校に,タクヤほど速く走れる生徒はいません.
No ( ) ( ) in this school ( ) ( ) as ( ) ( ) Takuya.
other student, can run, fast as
32) 私はこのくつをあの店で修理してもらうつもりです.
I'm ( ) ( ) ( ) these shoes ( ) at that shop.
going to have[get], repaired[mended
33) どのバスが市役所に行くか知っていますか.
( ) to City Hall?
Do you know which bus goes
34) 今日の午後にお客様担当窓口に電話をしてみてはどうですか.
How ( ) ( ) customer support this afternoon?
「お客様担当窓口,カスタマーサポート」customer support
about calling
35) その赤ちゃんはお母さんの腕の中で眠っています.
The baby ( ) ( ) in its mother's arms.
is sleeping
36) 君がこの近くに住んでいればいいのに.
I ( ) you ( ) in this neighborhood.
wish, lived
37) 先週の木曜以来,校庭は雪に覆われています.
The schoolyard ( ) snow since last Thursday.
has been covered with[in]
38) 私はケンタほどたくさんのマンガは持っていません.
I don't have ( ) ( ) comic books ( ) Kenta.
as many, as
39) あなたが昼食を終えるまで,ここで待っていましょうか.
( ) wait for you here ( ) lunch?
Shall I, until[till] you have finished[finish]
40) 来年,大きな映画館がこのあたりに建てられるでしょう.
A big movie theater ( ) next year.
will be built around here
41) 非常にたくさんの人々がそのニュースに関心をもっています.
A great number of people ( ) the news.
are interested in
42) 僕たちが初めて会った場所を覚えていますか.
Do you remember ( ) for the first time?
the place (whe we met
where we met
43) 兄は私にその新しいラケットを使わせてくれました.
My brother ( ) ( ) ( ) his new racket.
let me use
44) あのとき本当のことを言っていれば,彼女は怒らなかったかもしれないのに.
If I ( ) ( ) her the truth then, she ( ) ( ) ( ) got angry.
had told, might not have
45) 君はカナダには行ったことがないんだよね.
You ( ) Canada, ( )?
have never been to, have you
46) 子どもたちはそのパーティーでは楽しみましたか.
Did the children enjoy ( ) at the party?
47) ルーカスはどうしたの? ずいぶん悲しそう.
( ) the ( ) ( ) Lucas? He looks so sad.
What's, matter with
48) 弟は明日学校を休むかもしれません.
My brother ( ) ( ) absent from school tomorrow.
may be
49) この人は兄が一番好きな歌手です.
This is the singer ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
my brother likes best
50) あなたにとって一番大切なものは何ですか.
What is ( ) ( ) ( ) thing to you?
the most important
51) 君は昨日ユミと映画に行かなかったの?―うん,行かなかったよ.
( ) ( ) ( ) to the movies with Yumi yesterday? ― ( ), I ( ).
Didn't you go, No, didn't
52) 兄は3月に自動車教習所に行く予定です.
My brother ( ) ( ) ( ) attend driving school in March.
「自動車教習所」 driving school
is going to
53) 山の頂上が雪に覆われているのを見ましたか.
Did you see ( ) ( ) of the ( ) ( ) with snow?
the top, mountain covered
54) 数学は勉強すればするほどおもしろくなってきます.
( ) ( ) you study math, ( ) ( ) ( ) it will be.
The more[harder], the more interesting
55) ナオミの代わりにその会議に出席するのを忘れないでね.
Don't ( ) ( ) ( ) the meeting ( ) ( ) Naomi.
forget to attend, instead of
56) もし僕が君なら,その申し出を受け入れるだろうに.
If I ( ) ( ), I ( ) accept the offer.
were[was] you, would
57) 加藤さんには2人の息子さんがいらっしゃいます.1人は東京に,もう1人は神戸にいらっしゃいます.
Mr. Kato has two sons. One is in Tokyo, and ( ) ( ) in Kobe.
the other
58) 友だちを長い間待たせるのはよくありません.
( ) isn’t good ( ) ( ) your friend ( ) ( ) a long time.
It, to keep, waiting for
59) 母はちょうど今,野菜を買いにスーパーに行ってきたところです.
My mother ( ) the supermarket ( ) some vegetables.
has just been to, to buy
60) このカレーは辛すぎて,弟は食べられないかもしれません.
This curry and rice may be ( ) hot ( ) my little brother ( ) ( ).
too, for, to eat
61) そのウサギは3年間ずっとその子どもたちに世話されてきました.
The rabbit ( ) ( ) ( ) care ( ) by the children for three years.
has been taken, of
62) その小説は世界中の人々に知られています.
The novel ( ) ( ) ( ) people around the world.
is known to
63) その教会は高い木々に囲まれて立っています.
The church stands ( ) ( ) some tall trees.
surrounded by
64) その問題は難しすぎて私には解けません.
The problem is ( ) ( ) ( ) me ( ) solve.
too difficult for, to
65) 彼が手に何を持っているのか教えてください.
Please tell me ( ) ( ) ( ) in his hand.
what he has
66) すばらしい賞品が優勝者に贈られました.
A wonderful prize ( ) ( ) ( ) the champion.
was given[presented] to
67) 旅行にはズボンを2本持っていくつもりです.
I'm going to take ( ) ( ) of ( ) on the trip.
two pairs, trousers[pants]
68) 私はこの冬休みに兄の3倍の本を読みました.
I read ( ) ( ) as ( ) ( ) ( ) my brother during this winter vacation.
three times, many books as
69) 君はジョンが描いた絵を見たことがありますか.とてもすばらしいですよ.
( ) you ( ) by John? It's so wonderful.
Have, seen the[a] picture painted[drawn]
70) 顔色が悪いね.どうかしたの?
You look pale. ( ) with you?
What's the matter[What's wrong]
71) 光は音より速く進む.
Light ( ) faster than sound.
「進む」 travel
4. 次の英文の空所に適語(句)を入れなさい.
1) Kumi ( ) the piano since this morning. (play)
[( )内の動詞を適当な形にして,ただし2語以上になる場合がある]
has been playing
2) I ( ) to Kobe before I visited there on my school trip. (never be)
[( )内の動詞を適当な形にして,ただし2語以上になる場合がある]
had never been
3) If I ( ) in your place, I would go home at once. (be)
[( )内の動詞を適当な形にして,ただし2語以上になる場合がある]
4) Kate ( ) to the brass band now. (belong)
[( )内の動詞を適当な形にして,ただし2語以上になる場合がある]
5) I think your idea will ( ) by everyone soon. (understand)
[( )内の動詞を適当な形にして,ただし2語以上になる場合がある]
be understood
6) I ( ) a shower when you called me last evening. (take)
[( )内の動詞を適当な形にして,ただし2語以上になる場合がある]
was taking
7) Let's eat dinner together when our uncle ( ) home. (come)
[( )内の動詞を適当な形にして,ただし2語以上になる場合がある]
8) Jim ( ) Okinawa three times last year. (visit)
[( )内の動詞を適当な形にして,ただし2語以上になる場合がある]
9) When you called me, I ( ) for about three hours. (sleep)
[( )内の動詞を適当な形にして,ただし2語以上になる場合がある]
had been sleeping
10) If you ( ) us the truth, we would not have misunderstood you. (tell)
[( )内の動詞を適当な形にして,ただし2語以上になる場合がある]
misunderstood<misunderstand 「~を誤解する」
had told
11) Mr. Mori ( ) by a lot of students in this school. (respect)
[( )内の動詞を適当な形にして,ただし2語以上になる場合がある]
is[was] respected
12) Ms. Green ( ) me well since I was a little child. (know)
[( )内の動詞を適当な形にして,ただし2語以上になる場合がある]
has known
13) Kenta ( ) lunch when we called on him. (have)
[( )内の動詞を適当な形にして,ただし2語以上になる場合がある]
was having
14) A lot of presents ( ) to Emi at the party yesterday. (give)
[( )内の動詞を適当な形にして,ただし2語以上になる場合がある]
were given
15) We ( ) to New York at about this time yesterday. (fly)
[( )内の動詞を適当な形にして,ただし2語以上になる場合がある]
were flying
5. 次の日本文を英語に直しなさい.
1) 私たちの歴史の先生はこの夏 2週間エジプトに滞在する予定です.
Our history teacher is going to stay in Egypt for two weeks this summer.
2) ケン,もう修学旅行の準備は終わったの?
Ken, have you finished preparing[have you prepared] for the school trip yet?
3) 紅茶をもう1杯いかがですか.
Would you like (to have[drin another cup of tea?
4) 私は今月のスマートフォン代を見てびっくりしました.
「スマートフォン代」smartphone bill
I was surprised to see my[the] smartphone bill this month[this month’s smartphone bill].
5) 君は1時間ずっとゲームをしているね.そろそろやめたらどうなの.
「そろそろ」 now
You have been playing video games for an hour. Why don't you stop it[playing] now?
6) あなたは金沢に住んで何年になりますか.
How many years[How long] have you lived in Kanazawa?
7) 私たちが駅に着いたとき,電車はちょうど発車したところでした.
When we arrived at the station, the train had just left.
8) あのときもっと一生けんめい英語の勉強をしていたらよかったなあ.
I wish I[you] had studied English harder at that time.
9) この通りはこの街で最もにぎやかな通りのうちの1つです.
「にぎやかな」 busy
This street is one of the busiest streets in this town.
10) 今まで3時間ずっと歩いているので,クミは少し疲れているようです.
Kumi looks a little tired because[as
since] she has been walking for three hours.
11) 君が昨日学校を休んだ理由を教えてください.
Please tell me the reason why you were absent from school yesterday.
12) 私があなたの荷物を運びましょうか.
Shall I carry your baggage[luggage]?
13) もっとじょうずに英語が話せればなあ.
I wish I could speak English better.
14) 世界の食糧問題はますます深刻になってきています.
「食糧問題」 food problem
The world's food problem[The food problem of the world] is getting more and more serious.
15) ジョンと僕は小学生のころからの親友です.
John and I have been best[good] friends since we were in elementary school[elementary school students
16) あの建物は何だと思いますか.
What do you think that building is?
17) この国で2番目に長い川は何ですか.
What is the second longest river in this country?
18) このようにして,彼らは宝物を発見したのです.
[This isで始めて]
This is how they discovered[found] the treasure.
This is the way they discovered[found] the treasure.
19) 忘れずにゴミを外に出してね.
「~を外に出す」take out ~
Remember to take out the garbage[trash].
Don’t forget to take out the garbage[trash].
20) ここから最寄りの駅までどれくらい距離がありますか.
How far is it from here to the nearest station?
21) この紙に何を書いたらよいのか教えてください.
Please tell me what to write on this paper.
22) この白い花は英語で何と呼ばれていますか.
What is this white flower called in English?
23) カオリは青い目をした黒いネコを飼っています.
Kaori has a black cat whose eyes are blue.
Kaori has a black cat which[that] has blue eyes.
24) コンサートがいつ始まるかご存じですか.
Do you know when the concert will start[begin]?
25) オーストラリアで話されている言語は何か知っていますか.
Do you know what the language spoken in Australia is?
Do you know what language is spoken in Australia?
26) 検査の前に,できるだけたくさん水を飲みなさい.
「検査」 examination
Drink as much water as possible[you can] before the examination.
27) 私たちはこんなに美しい夕焼けを見たことがありません.
We have never seen such a beautiful sunset.
28) 母はいつも私にうそをつかないようにと言います.
My mother always tells me not to tell a lie[lies].
29) 姉はテレビを見ながら,友人と電話で話していました.
My sister was talking with her friend on the phone, watching TV.
30) 友人たちに励まされて,私はその仕事を成し遂げることができました.
(Bei Encouraged by my friends, I was able to complete the job[task].
31) あなたはここに10分早く来ていたら,彼に会うことができたのに.
If you had come here ten minutes earlier, you could have seen[have met] him.
32) 先生の話を聞いて,私はとてもうれしくなりました.
(The teacher's storyで始めて)
The teacher's story made me very happy.
33) 君は昨夜十分眠ったから,疲れているはずがありません.
You cannot[can't] be tired because you slept well last night.
You slept well last night, so you cannot[can't] be tired.
34) この国で使われている言語は何ですか.
What is the language used[spoken] in this country?
35) 君はこの有名な小説を何回読んだことがありますか.
How many times[How often] have you read this famous novel?
36) 彼女と友だちになりたくないのですか.―いいえ,なりたいです.
Don't you want to make friends with her? ― Yes, I do.
37) 来週までに作文を提出しなければなりませんか.―いいえ,その必要はありません.
Must I
we[Do I
we have to] hand in the essay by next week? ― No, you don't have to.
38) あなたは今日はここに来る必要はありません.その問題については明日話し合いましょう.
You don't have to come here today. Let's discuss[talk about] the matter[problem] tomorrow.
39) 昨晩,建物が揺れるのを感じましたか.
Did you feel the building shake last night?
6. 次の英文を日本語に直しなさい.
1) Written in simple English, the book is very good for Japanese students to read, but I think it's too expensive for students to buy.
2) Ken's brother will be five years old next September.
3) If we were to live longer than today because of the progress of medical science, what would become of us?
what becomes of ~「~はどうなるのか」
4) Mr. Brown lived in New Zealand with his family for three years.
Mr. Brown has lived in London alone since he was a college student.
5) My father was having breakfast, reading the newspaper.
6) The problem of the low birthrate is becoming more and more serious.
7) I've been to that new shopping mall three times.
I've just been to that shopping mall to buy a pair of sneakers.
8) Opening the door, she called her dog.
9) What were you and Aya doing at about seven p.m. yesterday?
10) I didn't eat the cake because I was full at that time.
I have never eaten this kind of cake before.
11) When and where were you spoken to by the famous singer?
12) Suddenly spoken to by a famous baseball player, I could say nothing.
13) My mother and sister came home from their trip just now.
14) Being so busy, Mr. Johnson couldn't go to the sea with his family last weekend.
15) Jun, have you finished cleaning your room yet? ― No, not yet.
16) I think nothing is as important as making an effort.
17) Jane has just heard the sad news. Please leave her alone now.
18) I have known Ryo since he was an elementary school student.