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Basic 1 もくじ

1. be動詞の用法
1a. be動詞の用法 否定文
1b. be動詞の用法 疑問文
2a. this that these those 肯定・否定・疑問
#. 名詞と動詞
3. 複数の人称代名詞
4a. 単数と複数
4b. 複数と単数
5. 形容詞の用法
6. 冠詞 a・an・the
7. 一般動詞の用法
8. 3人称単数の主語と動詞
9. be動詞と一般動詞の疑問文
10. be動詞と一般動詞の否定文
11. 人称代名詞の目的格
12. 所有格と所有代名詞
13. 代名詞の格
14. 疑問詞のある疑問文 その1
15. 一般動詞の命令文
16. 現在進行形
17. 現在進行形と現在形
18. There is[are]と be動詞の2つの意昧
19. There is[are]と その答え方
20. There is[are]・Here is[are]
21. 助動詞 CAN
22. 肯定文・否定文・疑問文の型 疑問文の答え方 Yes
23. 肯定文・否定文・疑問文の型 疑問文の答え方 No
24. 肯定文・否定文・疑問文の型 疑問文への言い換え
25. 肯定文・否定文・疑問文の型 否定文への言い換え
26. 疑問詞のある疑問文 その2
27. 形容詞句・副詞句
補講1. 時刻・曜日・日付の表し方
補講2. 前置詞

1 )  be動詞 am / is / are は主語によって用いられ方が変わります。
 次の各文の主語に注意しながら、(    ) 内のbe動詞のうち正しいものを選びなさい。

1. I (     ) a Japanese boy.

I am a Japanese boy.

2. You (     ) a student.

You are a student.

3. This (     ) my father.

Thisis my father.

4. He (     ) an English teacher.

He is an English teacher.

5. Tom (     ) an American boy.

Tom is an American boy.

6. His name (     ) Taro.

His name is Taro.

7. You and Tom (     ) good friends.

You and Tom are good friends.

8. Your father (     ) a doctor.

Your father is a doctor.

9. My father (     ) a teacher.

My father is a teacher.

10. Her sister (     ) a pianist.

Her sister is a pianist.

11. You and I (     ) Japanese students.

You and I are Japanese students.

12. Tom and Ted (     ) brothers.

Tom and Ted are brothers.

13. My name (     ) Jane.

My name is Jane.

14. Nancy and I (     ) good friends.

Nancy and I are good friends.

15. Mike and Tom (     ) my friends.

Mike and Tom are my friends.

16. My doll (     ) very pretty.

My doll is very pretty.

17. That (     ) our school.

That is our school.

18. It (     ) my father's car.

It is my father's car.

19. That boy (     ) Mike.

That boy is Mike.

20. Jane (     ) Nancy's sister.

Jane is Nancy's sister.

もくじへ 戻る

2 )  次の各文の主語に注目し、(   )内に正しいbe動詞を入れ、さらに否定文にして全文を書き換えなさい。

1. I (     ) a Japanese boy.

I am not a Japanese boy.

2. You (     ) a student.

You are not a student.

3. This (     ) my father.

This is not my father.

4. He (     ) an English teacher.

He is not an English teacher.

5. Tom (     ) an American boy.

Tom is not an American boy.

6. His name (     ) Taro.

His name is not Taro.

7. You and Tom (     ) good friends.

You and Tom are not good friends.

8. Your father (     ) a doctor.

Your father is not a doctor.

9. My father (     ) a teacher.

My father is not a teacher.

10. Her sister (     ) a pianist.

Her sister is not a pianist.

11. You and I (     ) Japanese students.

You and I are not Japanese students.

12. Tom and Ted (     ) brothers.

Tom and Ted are not brothers.

13. My name (     ) Jane.

My name is not Jane.

14. Nancy and I (     ) good friends.

Nancy and I are not good friends.

15. Mike and Tom (     ) my friends.

Mike and Tom are not my friends.

16. My doll (     ) very pretty.

My doll is not very pretty.

17. That (     ) our school.

That is not our school.

18. It (     ) my father's car.

It is not my father's car.

19. That boy (     ) Mike.

That boy is not Mike.

20. Jane (     ) Nancy's sister.

Jane is not Nancy's sister.

もくじへ 戻る

3 )  次の各文の主語に注目し、(   )内に正しいbe動詞を入れ、さらに疑問文にして全文を書き換えなさい。

1. You (     ) hungry.

Are you hungry?

2. You (     ) a student.

Are you a student?

3. This (     ) my father.

Is this your father?

4. He (     ) an English teacher.

Is he an English teacher?

5. Tom (     ) an American boy.

Is Tom an American boy?

6. His name (     ) Taro.

Is his name Taro?

7. You and Tom (     ) good friends.

Are you and Tom good friends?

8. Your father (     ) a doctor.

Is your father a doctor?

9. His father (     ) a teacher.

Is his father a teacher?

10. Her sister (     ) a pianist.

Is her sister a pianist?

11. You and I (     ) Japanese students.

Are you and I Japanese students?

12. Tom and Ted (     ) brothers.

Are Tom and Ted brothers?

13. My name (     ) Jane.

Is my name Jane?

14. Nancy and I (     ) good friends.

Are Nancy and I good friends?

15. Mike and Tom (     ) my friends.

Are Mike and Tom my friends?

16. My doll (     ) very pretty.

Is my doll very pretty?

17. That (     ) our school.

Is that our school?

18. It (     ) your father's car.

Is it your father’s car?

19. That boy (     ) Mike.

Is that boy Mike?

20. Jane (     ) Nancy's sister.

Is Jane Nancy’s sister?

もくじへ 戻る

4 )  this that these those 肯定・否定・疑問文
      ◆ 肯定文
      This is ~
      That is (= That's) ~
      These are ~
      Those are ~

      ◆ 否定文
      This is not (= This isn't) ~
      That is not (= That isn't =That's not) ~
      These are not (= These aren't) ~
      Those are not (= Those aren't ~

      ◆ 疑問文
      Is this ~ ?
      Is that ~ ?
      Are these ~ ?
      Are those ~ ?

      ◇ 英文は和訳し、日本語文は英訳しなさい。

1.  This is a book.


2.  This is my bag.


3.  これは猫です。

This is a cat.

4.  これは車です。

This is a car.

5.  This is not a flower.


6.  This is not a chair.


7.  これはコンピューターではありません。

This is not a computer.

8.  これは月ではありません。

This is not the moon.

9.  Is this a cup.


10.  Is this a T-shirt?


11.  これは川ですか?

Is this a river?

12.  これは浜辺ですか?

Is this a beach?

13.  That is a pen.


14.  That is your hat.


15.  あれは犬です。

That is a dog.

16.  あれは自転車です。

That is a bike.

17.  That is not the sun.


18.  That is not a tree.


19.  あれはテーブルではありません。

That is not a table.

20.  あれは鳥ではありません。

That is not a bird.

21.  Is that a bike?


22.  Is that my sister?


23.  あれは湖ですか?

Is that a lake?

24.  あれは川ですか?

Is that a river?

25.  These are apples.


26.  These are my shoes.


27.  これらは鳥です。

These are birds.

28.  これらは腕時計です。

These are watches.

29.  These are not windows.


30.  These are not buses.


31.  これらは建物ではありません。

These are not buildings.

32.  Are these mountains?


33.  Are these girls?


34.  こちらはあなたの猫ですか?

Are these your cats?

35.  Those are oranges.


36.  Those are your socks.


37.  あれらは魚です。

Those are fish.

38.  あれらはドアです。

Those are doors.

39.  Those are not boys.


40.  Those are not my sisters.


41.  あれらは星ではありません。

Those are not stars.

42.  Are those trains?


43.  Are those houses?


44.  あれらは置時計ですか?

Are those clocks?

45.  Those are cats?


もくじへ 戻る

5 )  名詞と動詞

  • 名詞「人」「場所」「もの」「形のないもの(概念)」など大きくわけて4つに分けられます。

 : teacher, student, doctor, friend, parent

場所: school, park, hospital, home, store

 : book, pencil, phone, computer, car

形のないもの: love, happiness, freedom, information, idea


  • 動詞は大きく分けて2つ「動作」と「状態」

動作 : run, walk, jump, swim, dance, eat, drink, cook, read, write,


  • 状態は細かく分けるとさらに3つに分けられます。
    • 心理状態を表す状態動詞


    • 感覚を表す状態動詞


    • その他の状態動詞


      ◇ 次の英単語を品詞や種類を意識しながら訳しなさい。

1.  人を表す名詞    teacher, student, doctor,

教師 学生 医者 

2.  人を表す名詞    friend, parent

友達 親

3.  場所を表す名詞    school, park, hospital,

学校 公園 病院  

4.  場所を表す名詞    home, store

家 店

5.  物を表す名詞    book, pencil, phone,

本 鉛筆 電話 

6.  物を表す名詞    computer, car

コンピューター 車 

7.  形のないものを表す名詞    love, happiness, freedom,

愛 幸福 自由 

8.  形のないものを表す名詞    information, idea

情報 考え

9.  動作を表す動詞    run


10.  動作を表す動詞    walk


11.  動作を表す動詞    jump


12.  動作を表す動詞    swim


13.  動作を表す動詞    dance


14.  動作を表す動詞    eat


15.  動作を表す動詞    drink


16.  動作を表す動詞    cook


17.  動作を表す動詞    read


18.  動作を表す動詞    write


19.  心理状態を表す状態動詞    think


20.  心理状態を表す状態動詞    know


21.  心理状態を表す状態動詞    love


22.  心理状態を表す状態動詞    like


23.  心理状態を表す状態動詞    hope


24.  心理状態を表す状態動詞    want


25.  心理状態を表す状態動詞    believe


26.  感覚を表す状態動詞   smell


27.  感覚を表す状態動詞   taste


28.  感覚を表す状態動詞   see


29.  感覚を表す状態動詞   hear


30.  感覚を表す状態動詞   feel


31.  その他の状態動詞    be


32.  その他の状態動詞    have


33.  その他の状態動詞    live



6 )  複数の人称代名詞We・You・Theyの用法を区別しましょう。
次の(   ) 内を We / You / They のうち適当なものに変えて全文を言い換えなさい。

1. ( Tom and Mike ) are English students.

They are English students.

2. ( Mike and I ) are English boys.

We are English boys.

3. ( You and Jane ) are good friends.

You are good friends.

4. ( You and I ) are good friends.

We are good friends.

5. ( She and I ) are not American girls.

We aren't American girls.

6. ( Tom and I ) are not brothers.

We aren't brothers.

7. ( You and Bill ) are American boys.

You are American boys.

8. ( Dick and Mary ) are brother and sister.

They are brother and sister.

9. ( You and I ) are Japanese students.

We are Japasese students.

10. ( Jane and Nancy ) are sisters.

They are sisters.

11. ( Jane and I ) are not sisters.

We aren't sisters.

12. ( This book and that book ) are Mike's.

They are Mike's.

13. ( You and Nancy ) are American students.

You are American students.

14. ( Miss Green and Mr.Miller ) are our teachers.

They are our teachers.

15. ( Mr.Miller and I ) are your teachers.

We are your teachers.


7 ) 次の文の一部を複数に変えると他の部分も同時に変わります。
(単数)                      (複数)
  This is a book.        → These are books.
  That girl is very cute.  → Those girls are very cute.
  He is my friend.     → They are my friends.
  It is a pencil.        → They are pencils.
  I am a doctor.       → We are doctors.
  You are a student.    → You are students.
   どの部分が変わるのかに注意して、次の(   ) 内を複数に変え、全文を言い換えなさい。

1. ( This ) is a long pencil.

These are long pencils.

2. ( That ) is a doll.

Those are dolls.

3. ( It ) is an English book.

They are English books.

4. ( I ) am a Japanese boy.

We are Japanese boys.

5. He is an English ( boy ) .

They are English boys.

6. She isn't ( a student ) .

They are not students.

7. That isn't ( a ball ) .

Those aren't balls.

8. ( That ) isn't my book.

Those aren't my books.

9. You aren't ( a teacher ) .

You are not teachers.

10. This isn't his ( bag ) .

These are not his bags.

11. Is ( that ) an apple ?

Are those apples ?

12. Is it ( a camera ) ?

Are they cameras ?

13. Am ( I ) a doctor or a teacher ?

Are we doctors or teachers ?

14. What is ( that ) ?

What are those ?

15. Who is that ( boy ) ?

Who are those boys ?


8 )  文の一部を変えると他の部分も同時に変わります。どの部分が変わるかに注意して、
次の(   ) 内を単数に変え、全文を言い換えなさい。

1. We are ( doctors ) .

I am a doctor.

2. They are American ( girls ) .

She is an American girl.

3. Those are English ( books ) .

That is an English book.

4. They are Japanese ( boys ) .

He is a Japanese boy.

5. These are my ( books ) .

This is my book.

6. You aren't ( teachers ) .

You aren't a teacher.

7. They aren't Jane's ( dolls ) .

It isn't Jane's doll.

8. They aren't your father's ( cars ) .

It isn't your father's car.

9. Those boys aren't ( students ) .

That boy isn't a student.

10. They aren't my ( pencils ) .

It isn't my pencil.

11. Are ( those ) your books ?

Is that your book ?

12. Are these Mike's ( balls ) ?

Is this Mike's ball ?

13. Are ( they ) hats or caps ?

Is it a hat or a cap ?

14. What are ( these ) ?

What is this ?

15. Whose bags are ( those ) ?

Whose bag is that ?


9 )  名詞を修飾したり、名詞の形や状態などを述べる形容詞を使って英文を作ってみましょう。
  形容詞だけの場合は冠詞 a/an は付けられません。

・ This is a big hat. の "this" は 「これ」(指示代名詞→単独で主語になる)
・ This hat is big. の "this" は 「この」(形容詞→直後に名詞が来る)


1. これはかわいい人形です。この人形はかわいい。

This is a pretty doll. This doll is pretty.

2. これはとても古い車です。この車はとても古い。

This is a very old car. This car is very old.

3. あれは小さな犬です。あの犬は小さい。

That is a small [little] dog. That dog is small [little].

4. あれは赤い花です。あの花は赤い。

That is a red flower. That flower is red.

5. あれらは大きい猫です。あれらの猫は大きい。

Those are big [large] cats. Those cats are big [large].

6. これは大きいバッグではない。このバッグは大きくない。

This isn't a big [large] bag. This bag isn't big [large].

7. これは新しい時計ではない。この時計は新しくない。

This isn't a new watch. This watch isn't new.

8. あれは白い花ではない。あの花は白くない。

That isn't a white flower. That flower isn't white.

9. これは長い鉛筆ですか。この鉛筆は長いですか。

Is this a long pencil ? Is this pencil long ?

10. これは新しい本ですか。この本は新しいですか。

Is this a new book ? Is this book new ?

11. あれらは幸福な少年たちですか。あれらの少年たちは幸福ですか。

Are those happy boys ? Are those boys happy ?

12. これは白い花ですかそれとも赤い花ですか。

Is this a white flower or a red flower ?

13. この花は白いですかそれとも赤いですか。

Is this flower white or red ?

14. あれは新しい車ですかそれとも古い車ですか。

Is that a new car or an old car ?

15. あの車は新しいですかそれとも古いですか。

Is that car new or old ?

もくじへ 戻る

10 )  冠詞の使い分け




▼ 「この(this)・彼の(his)」などが付いてはっきりと特定された人・物や、複数を表す名詞や、特定の人の名前・場所の名前などを表す固有名詞などにa/anはつけられません。

▼ theは「いま言ったその」とか、話をしている当事者間ですでに共通認識を持てるものにつけます。

▼ my your his her our their its などの所有格の代名詞などがついて、誰のものかはっきりしているものにも、名詞ではないもの(形容詞など)にも冠詞は付きません。

 次の(    ) 内の適当な冠詞を選びなさい。必要でなければ×を選びなさい.

1. This is ( a, an, the,× ) table.


2. This is ( a, an, the,× ) his book.


3. That is ( a, an, the,× ) old piano.


4. Tom is ( a, an, the,× ) my good friend.


5. That man is ( a, an, the,× ) Mr.Smith.


6. My name is ( a, an, the,× ) Nancy.


7. This flower is ( a, an, the,× ) very beautiful.


8. You have ( a, an, the,× ) very beautiful flower.


9. They have ( a, an, the,× ) very beautiful flowers.


10. I have ( a, an, the,× ) English book in my bag.


11. Is that(a, an, the, × ) piano or ( a, an, the, × ) organ.

a, an

12. Is that girl ( a, an, the,× ) Nancy or ( a, an, the,× ) Lucy?

X, X

13. Are those boys ( a, an, the,× ) American students .


14. Are you ( a, an, the,× ) English teacher .


15. Is that ( a, an, the,× ) Tom's school bag.


16. Are those dogs ( a, an, the,× ) young.


17. Is this ( a, an, the,× ) Japanese watch .


18. Whose ( a, an, the,× ) doll is this .


19. Who is ( a, an, the,× ) that girl on the bench .


20. I have ( a, an, the,× ) dog and ( a, an, the,× ) cat.
 ( A, An, The,× ) dog is white and ( a, an, the,× ) cat is black.

a, a, The, the

21. This is ( a, an, the,× ) pretty picture. I like ( a, an, the,× ) picture.

a, the

22. They have ( a, an, the,× ) pretty cat. They like ( a, an, the,× ) cat.

a, the

23. Mr.and Ms.Smith have ( a, an, the,× ) bird. ( A, An, The,× ) bird is pretty.

a, the

24. I have ( a, an, the,× ) piano. ( A, An, The,× ) piano is very old.

a, the

25. My sister often plays ( a, an, the,× ) piano.



11 ) 主語が三人称単数の場合、haveはhasになり、他の一般動詞にはsあるいはesがつきます。
次の(   ) 内の適当なものを選びなさい。

1. I ( have, has ) a big dog.


2. Tom and Mike ( have, has ) some books.


3. My mother ( like, likes ) small dogs.


4. Mary ( have, has ) a pretty doll.


5. We ( play, plays ) tennis after school.


6. Your sister ( have, has ) a piano.


7. His father ( have, has ) a new car.


8. Mr.Black ( play, plays ) golf with my father.


9. Their mother ( have, has ) an old violin.


10. I ( like, likes ) birds very much.


11. They ( have, has ) a white dog and a black dog.


12. My sister ( swim, swims ) every Sunday.


13. He ( have, has ) a nice camera.


14. Your father ( run, runs ) every morning.


15. You ( have, has ) a tennis racket.


16. Those girls ( like, likes ) tennis and swimming.


17. Her mother ( read, reads ) English very well.


18. Mike's brother ( have, has ) a good camera.


19. We ( help, helps ) our mother after school.


20. His sister ( play, plays ) golf on Sunday.


21. Nancy ( help, helps ) her mother every day.


22. My sister and I ( walk, walks ) to school.


23. That boy ( like, likes ) English.


24. Your mother ( play, plays ) the piano very well.


25. Our teacher ( swim swims ) after school.


26. My school ( have, has ) a nice swimming pool.


27. His brother ( come, comes ) to school at eight.


28. You and I ( like, likes ) apples.


29. They ( play, plays ) baseball after school.


30. Mr.Brown ( like, likes ) flowers.



12 ) 主語が3人称単数になると動詞の形に変化が生じます。
 動詞に s や es を付け加えますがhaveは例外でhasになります。
 does / doesn'tが文中にあれば動詞はもとの形[原形]のままです。
 次の下線部の主語を( ) 内の語にかえて全文を言い換えなさい。

1. I have a good camera. ( Tom )

Tom has a good camera.

2. They have pretty dolls. ( Jane )

Jane has pretty dolls.

3. I like dogs very much. ( My brother )

My brother likes dogs very much.

4. We play tennis on Sunday. ( Mr.Smith )

Mr.Smith plays tennis on Sunday.

5. My friends study English. ( My sister )

My sister studies English.

6. I like baseball very much. ( My brother )

My brother likes baseball very much.

7. They like apples and oranges. ( She )

She likes apples and oranges.

8. You know Mr.Smith. ( My mother )

My mother knows Mr.Smith.

9. They don't have books. ( She )

She doesn't have books.

10. My friends don't like cats. ( Tom )

Tom doesn't like cats.

11. His brothers don't play tennis. ( He )

He doesn't play tennis.

12. Do you like flowers ? ( your mother )

Does your mother like flowers ?

13. Do they have cameras ? ( your brother )

Does your brother have cameras ?

14. Do Tom and Nancy like cats ? ( she )

Does she like cats ?

15. Do you and Tom have apples ? ( Nancy )

Does Nancy have apples ?


13 ) be動詞の文を疑問文にするにはbe動詞を文頭に移動します。

1. You are a teacher.

Are you a teacher ?

2. That boy is Tom's brother.

Is that boy Tom's brother ?

3. These flowers are tulips and roses.

Are these flowers tulips and roses ?

4. Her father is a doctor.

Is her father a doctor ?

5. Mr.Smith is your teacher.

Is Mr.Smith your teacher ?

6. Those dogs are very big.

Are those dogs very big ?

7. I am Mr.Brown's student.

Am I Mr.Brown's student ?

8. You are a Japanese girl.

Are you a Japanese girl ?

9. You have a nice bag.

Do you have a nice bag ?

10. Your mother likes red flowers.

Does your mother like red flowers ?

11. Mr.Brown has a new car.

Does Mr.Brown have a new car ?

12. They have a white dog and a black dog.

Do they have a white dog and a black dog ?

13. Jane and Lucy have beautiful flowers.

Do Jane and Lucy have beautiful flowers ?

14. Your sister wants the old guitar.

Does your sister want the old guitar ?

15. Nancy plays the piano every day.

Does Nancy play the piano every day ?


14 )  be動詞の文を否定文にするには、be動詞の直後にnotを付け加えます。
 また、一般動詞の文では動詞の直前にdon't かdoesn'tを付け加え、動詞は原形を用います。

1. That is an old piano.

That isn't an old piano.

2. I am an English teacher.

I am not an English teacher.

3. That is a good camera.

That isn't a good camera.

4. Her brother is a music teacher.

Her brother isn't a music teacher.

5. That cat is black and white.

That cat isn't black and white.

6. Tom's father is a doctor.

Tom's father isn't a doctor.

7. Those flowers are very beautiful.

Those flowers aren't very beautiful.

8. Nancy's sister is a good pianist.

Nancy's sister isn't a good pianist.

9. I have English books in my bag.

I don't have English books in my bag.

10. My brother has an old bicycle.

My brother doesn't have an old bicycle.

11. Those boys like this dog very much.

Those boys don't like this dog very much.

12. Your mother has a new Japanese car.

Your mother doesn't have a new Japanese car.

13. Tom's brother and sister have a nice dog.

Tom's brother and sister don't have a nice dog.

14. My brother wants a new bicycle.

My brother doesn't want a new bicycle.

15. Those girls have beautiful flowers.

Those girls don't have beautiful flowers.


15 )  目的格は「~を」と訳せる動詞の目的語と、前置詞の目的語に用いられます。
 次の文の(   )内を適当な代名詞の目的格にかえ全文を言い換えなさい。

1. I know ( Tom ) .

I know him.

2. I know ( Mike and Jane ) .

I know them.

3. I know ( that girl ) .

I know her.

4. My mother knows ( those boys ) .

My mother knows them.

5. They like ( Bob and me ) .

They like us.

6. I play tennis with ( my father ) .

I play tennis with him.

7. I like ( that dog ) .

I like it.

8. Do you want ( those dolls ) ?

Do you want them ?

9. Do you know ( Mr.Smith ) ?

Do you know him ?

10. She knows ( your father ) .

She knows him.

11. He knows ( you and me ) .

He knows us.

12. Mike knows ( my sister ) .

Mike knows her.

13. I know ( Nancy ) .

I know her.

14. Do you want ( that book ) ?

Do you want it ?

15. He is kind to ( Lucy ) .

He is kind to her.


16 )  所有格「~の」と所有代名詞「~のもの」は同じ内容を表現できます。

1. This is ( my ) camera.

This camera is mine.

2. That is ( your ) bag.

That bag is yours.

3. That is ( her ) doll.

That doll is hers.

4. This is ( his ) bicycle.

This bicycle is his.

5. That is ( Nancy's ) doll.

That doll is Nancy's.

6. This is ( Tom's ) bat.

This bat is Tom's.

7. These are ( our ) caps.

These caps are ours.

8. Those are ( their ) books.

Those books are theirs.

9. That is ( my father's ) car.

That car is my father's.

10. This is ( his sister's ) bag.

This bag is his sister's.

11. This isn't ( my ) desk.

This desk isn't mine.

12. That isn't ( his ) camera.

That camera isn't his.

13. Is this ( your ) piano ?

Is this piano yours ?

14. Are these ( her ) notebooks ?

Are these notebooks hers ?

15. Are those ( their ) flowers ?

Are those flowers theirs ?


17 )  主格・所有格・目的格・所有代名詞の意味と役割を考えながら、次の(    ) 内の適当な代名詞の格を選びなさい。

1. This is my dog. I like ( it, its ) very much.


2. That old piano is ( she, her, hers ) .


3. Is ( he, his, him ) house very large ?


4. ( I, my, me, mine ) often play tennis with ( she, her, hers ) .

I, her

5. The beautiful flowers are ( they, their, them, theirs ) .


6. This is my cat.  ( It, Its ) name is Shiro.


7. ( We, Our, Us, Ours ) have some books in the box.


8. Lucy is very kind to ( they, their, them, theirs ) .


9. I know Nancy.   ( She, Her, Hers ) knows ( I, my, me, mine ) , too.

She, me

10. Those pretty dolls are ( I, my, me, mine ) sister's.


11. Is this bag ( you, your, yours ) or ( he, his, him ) ?

yours, his

12. Tom often goes to school with ( we, our, us, ours ) .


13. She has some coins in ( she, her, hers ) hand.


14. Does your mother like ( they, their, them, theirs ) ?


15. She likes ( he, his, him ) and he likes ( she, her, hers ) , too.

him, her

16. ( You, Your, Yours ) are ( we, our, us, ours ) English teacher.

You, our

17. ( They, Their, Them, Theirs ) often play tennis after school.


18. I like tennis but ( he, his, him ) likes basketball.


19. This bag is ( you, your, yours ) and that bag is ( I, my, me, mine ) .

yours, mine

20. ( You, Your, Yours ) love ( he, his, him ) little cat.

You, his

21. Is that book ( you, your, yours ) or ( we, our, us, ours ) ?

yours, ours

22. The boy plays the guitar for ( we, our, us, ours ) .


23. I don't like ( they, their, them, theirs ) .


24. Those are ( my father, my father's ) books.

my father s

25. Are ( they, their, them, theirs ) your brother and sister ?


26. I don't know Tom but I know ( he, his, him ) sister.


27. Does ( you, your, yours ) uncle live in New York ?


28. This is Nancy's book and that book is ( she, her, hers ) , too.


29. Does Bob have an English book in ( he, his, him ) bag ?


30. I like this dog. ( It, Its ) has long ears.



18 ) 疑問詞のある疑問文を作る場合には、まず疑問詞のない普通の疑問文を作り、
 次に(   ) 内の語を適当な疑問詞にかえ、その疑問詞を文頭に移動します。


何を 何が → What
誰を 誰が → Who
いつ → When
どこ → Where
どちらの(名詞) → Which+名詞
誰のもの → Whose
誰の(名詞) → Whose+名詞
誰を → Whom
なぜ → Why
どのように → How
いくつの → How many+複数名詞
何時? → What time
何の(名詞) → What+名詞


1. That woman is ( Ms.Smith ) .

Who is that woman ?

2. You have ( a pretty doll ) in your hand.

What do you have in your hand ?

3. They often swim ( in that pool ) .

Where do they often swim ?

4. Tom has ( two ) sisters.

How many sisters does Tom have ?

5. The boys ( often play soccer ) after school.

What do the boys do after school ?

6. That is ( Nancy's ) camera.

Whose camera is that ?

7. That old piano is ( my mother's ) .

Whose is that old piano ?

8. Nancy and Lucy are ( very fine ) .

How are Nancy and Lucy ?

9. Your sister wants ( that ) picture.

Which picture does your sister want ?

10. Tom's brother is ( a music teacher ) .

What is Tom's brother ?

11. Mr.Smith leaves for school ( at seven ) .

What time does Mr.Smith leave for school ?

12. It is ( just five o'clock ) now.

What time is it now ?

13. Nancy's brother likes ( tennis and baseball ) .

What sports does Nancy's brother like ?

14. Your brother lives ( in New York ) .

Where does your brother live ?

15. The boys and girls swim ( after school ) .

When do the boys and girls swim ?

もくじへ 戻る

19 )  命令文には次の4種類の型があります。
①Sit down.
②Please sit down.
③Don't sit down.
④Let's sit down.

1. 毎日ラジオをききなさい。

Listen to the radio every day.

2. トムどうぞおかけください。

Please sit down, Tom.

3. この本を読んではいけません。

Don't read this book.

4. 放課後プールで泳ぎましょう。

Let's swim in the pool after school.

5. どうぞあの絵を見てください。

Please look at that picture.

6. ナンシー来てすわりなさい。

Nancy, come and sit down.

7. どうぞあなたの英語の本を読んでください。

Please read your English book.

8. きようは泳いではいけません。

Don't swim today.

9. 今はテレビを見てはいけません。

Don't watch TV now.

10. あなたの本をとじなさい。

Close your book.

11. 音楽をききましよう。

Let's listen to music.

12. その写真を見てはいけません。

Don't look at the picture.

13. どうぞ私の言うことを聞いてください。

Please listen to me.

14. どうぞあなたの本をひらいてください。

Please open your book.

15. 放課後走りましょう。

Let's run after school.

もくじへ 戻る

20 )  現在進行形は「be動詞 + 動詞の原形ing」の形になります。
 否定文・疑問文にする場合には be動詞の文として取り扱います。

1. You have lunch.

You are having lunch.

2. I read an interesting book.

I am reading an interesting book.

3. Tom listens to the radio.

Tom is listening to the radio.

4. My father watches TV.

My father is watching TV.

5. My sister studies English.

My sister is studying English.

6. They don't run very fast.

They aren't running very fast.

7. She doesn't wash the dishes.

She isn't washing the dishes.

8. My brother doesn't take a bath.

My brother isn't taking a bath.

9. Nancy and Lucy don't play tennis.

Nancy and Lucy aren't playing tennis.

10. You don't make a doll.

You aren't making a doll.

11. Do you sit on a chair ?

Are you sitting on a chair ?

12. Does your brother practice tennis ?

Is your brother practicing tennis ?

13. Do the boys swim in the pool ?

Are the boys swimming in the pool ?

14. Where do they dance ?

Where are they dancing ?

15. What do you do ?

What are you doing ?

もくじへ 戻る

21 )  次の現在進行形の文を現在形の文に書き換えなさい。

1. Lucy is playing the piano very well.

Lucy plays the piano very well.

2. The boys and girls are running in the park.

The boys and girls run in the park.

3. My brother is studying math.

My brother studies math.

4. My mother is making a birthday cake.

My mother makes a birthday cake.

5. Tom is washing his father's car.

Tom washes his father's car.

6. I am swimming in the pool.

I swim in the pool.

7. We aren't practicing basketball.

We don't practice basketball.

8. His father isn't driving that red car.

His father doesn't drive that red car.

9. The girl isn't writing an English letter.

The girl doesn't write an English letter.

10. They aren't skiing with their father.

They don't ski with their father.

11. Are you helping your mother in the kitchen ?

Do you help your mother in the kitchen ?

12. Is your sister reading a comic book?

Does your sister read a comic book ?

13. Is your father watching TV ?

Does your father watch TV ?

14. Where is Tom waiting for us ?

Where does Tom wait for us ?

15. What is he doing in the living room ?

What does he do in the living room ?

もくじへ 戻る

22 )  be動詞には ①「~です」 ②「(物)がある、(生物)がいる」の意味があります。
どちらの意味を表すbe動詞なのか注意しながら、 次の文を日本語になおしなさい。

1. The bag is very big.


2. The bag is on the chair.


3. There is a bag on the chair.


4. The piano is very old.


5. The piano is near the window.


6. There is a piano near the window.


7. Mr.Miller is our English teacher.


8. Mr.Miller is in the garden.


9. Is your brother a teacher ?


10. Is your brother in the library ?


11. Is there a smartphone in the bag ?


12. Is your smartphone in the bag ?


13. Where is your desk ?


14. Is the park near the station ?


15. Where is the park?


もくじへ 戻る

23 )  ①There is[are]/There isn't [aren't]+名詞 ②(代)名詞+be動詞の
どちらで答えればいいか注意しながら、次の疑問文に(    ) 内の語(句) を用いて答えなさい。

1. Is there a cat under the table ? ( Yes )

Yes, there is. There is a cat under the table.

2. Is there a doll on the piano ? ( No )

No, there isn't. There isn't a doll on the piano.

3. Are there any books on the desk ? ( Yes )

Yes, there are. There are some books on the desk.

4. Are there any apples on the table ? ( No )

No, there aren't. There aren't any apples on the table.

5. How many dogs are there in the garden ? ( two )

There are two dogs in the garden.

6. How many pictures are there in the room ? ( five )

There are five pictures in the room.

7. Where is my watch ? ( on the table )

It's on the table.

8. Where is your mother ? ( in the kitchen )

She is in the kitchen.

9. Where are your sisters ? ( in the garden )

They are in the garden.

10. Who is in the garden ? ( My father )

My father is.

11. Who is in the kitchen ? ( My mother )

My mother is.

12. Who is near the window ? ( Tom )

Tom is.

13. What is on the table ? ( dishes )

There are dishes on the table.

14. What is near the park ? ( a museum )

There is a museum near the park.

15. What is under the table ? ( a cat )

There is a cat imder the table.

もくじへ 戻る

24 )  There is [are]の表現は、「~に何・誰がいる・ある」を強調する場合に用い、

1. テーブルの上にバッグが1つあります。

There is a bag on the table.

2. バッグの中に本が3冊入っています。

There are three books in the bag.

3. その英語の本は私のバッグの中に入っています。

The English book is in my bag.

4. ピアノの上にギターが1つあります。

There is a guitar on the piano.

5. あなたのギターはピアノの上にあります。

Your guitar is on the piano.

6. 部屋の中にいすが3個あります。

There are three chairs in the room.

7. 彼女のいすは居間にあります。

Her chair is in the living room.

8. 居間にいすはまったくありません。

There aren't any chairs in the living room.

9. 教室に生徒たちはまったくいません。

There aren't any students in the classroom.

10. その部屋に本が( 数さつ ) ありますか。

Are there any books in the room ?

11. その部屋に本が何さつありますか。

How many books are there in the room ?

12. 私のギターはどこにありますか。

Where is my guitar ?

13. あなたのお母さんはどこにいらっしゃいますか。

Where is your mother ?

14. あなたのポケットの中には何が入っていますか。

What is in your pocket ?

15. ここに白い花が1本あります。

Here is a white flower.

もくじへ 戻る

25 )  動詞の直前にcanを付け加える場合には、主語が3人称単数でも「can+動詞の原形」の形をとります。否定文ではcanにnotを加え、疑問文ではcanを文頭に移動します。

1. You play the piano very well.

You can play the piano very well.

2. Nancy swims very fast.

Nancy can swim very fast.

3. My brother drives a car.

My brother can drive a car.

4. We speak English very well.

We can speak English very well.

5. Our teacher skates very fast.

Our teacher can skate very fast.

6. I don't speak Chinese.

I can't speak Chinese.

7. My mother doesn't drive a car.

My mother can't drive a car.

8. Nancy doesn't sing Japanese songs.

Nancy can't sing Japanese songs.

9. My father doesn't cook a turkey.

My father can't cook a turkey.

10. Those boys don't ski very fast.

Those boys can't ski very fast.

11. Do you make a birthday cake ?

Can you make a birthday cake ?

12. Does Mr.Smith ride a bicycle ?

Can Mr.Smith ride a bicycle ?

13. Do the boys play the guitar well?

Can the boys play the guitar well ?

14. Does your sister speak English ?

Can your sister speak English ?

15. Do your father and mother swim well ?

Can your father and mother swim well ?

もくじへ 戻る

26 )  英語の文は ① be動詞の文 ② 一般動詞の文 ③ 助動詞を含む文 に分けられます。

1. Is Lucy a student ?

Yes, she is. She is a student.

2. Is that flower a rose ?

Yes, it is. It's a rose.

3. Are you a Japanese boy ?

Yes, I am. I'm a Japanese boy.

4. Is that boy Tom ?

Yes, he is. He is Tom.

5. Are these English books ?

Yes, they are. They are English books.

6. Do you have a watch ?

Yes, I do. I have a watch.

7. Does Tom like dogs ?

Yes, he does. He likes dogs.

8. Does Nancy play the piano ?

Yes, she does. She plays the piano.

9. Do they ski in winter ?

Yes, they do. They ski in winter.

10. Does your mother play tennis ?

Yes, she does. She plays tennis.

11. Can you play the piano ?

Yes, I can. I can play the piano.

12. Can your brother swim ?

Yes, he can. He can swim.

13. Can Mr.Smith speak French ?

Yes, he can. He can speak French.

14. Can Tom and Lucy play tennis ?

Yes, they can. They can play tennis.

15. Can your father drive a car ?

Yes, he can. He can drive a car.

もくじへ 戻る

27 )  ①be動詞の文では動詞の直後にnotを 
 ②一般動詞の文では動詞直前に don't/doesn'tを

1. Is that a watch ?

No, it isn't. It isn't a watch.

2. Is this a red flower ?

No, it isn't. It isn't a red flower.

3. Are you an American boy ?

No, I'm not. I'm not an American boy.

4. Is that girl your sister ?

No, she isn't, she isn't my sister.

5. Are those dogs white ?

No, they aren't. They aren't white.

6. Do you have a guitar ?

No, I don't I don't have a guitar.

7. Do you like dogs ?

No, I don't. I don't like dogs.

8. Does your father have a car?

No, he doesn't. He doesn't have a car.

9. Does Tom swim in summer ?

No, he doesn't. He doesn't swim in summer.

10. Do they like flowers ?

No, they don't. They don't like flowers.

11. Can you play the piano ?

No, I can't. I can't play the piano.

12. Can your sister swim ?

No, she can't She can't swim.

13. Can his father ski ?

No, he can't. He can't ski.

14. Can they play baseball ?

No, they can't They can't play baseball.

15. Can your teacher speak English ?

No, he [she] can't. He [She] can't speak English.

もくじへ 戻る

28 ) ① be動詞の文ではbe動詞を文頭に移動し
  ② 一般動詞の文では文頭にDo/Doesを付け加え 
  ③ 助動詞を含む文では助動詞を文頭に移動して疑問文を作ります。

1. Mr.Smith is a teacher.

Is Mr.Smith a teacher ?

2. She is a pianist.

Is she a pianist ?

3. That flower is red.

Is that flower red ?

4. You are a student.

Are you a student ?

5. Those are white dogs.

Are those white dogs ?

6. You have a new bag.

Do you have a new bag ?

7. She has some dolls.

Does she have any dolls ?

8. They like cats.

Do they like cats ?

9. His father plays the violin.

Does his father play the violin ?

10. Mr.Smith swims very fast.

Does Mr.Smith swim very fast ?

11. You can play the piano.

Can you play the piano ?

12. Tom can play tennis.

Can Tom play tennis ?

13. They can ski very well.

Can they ski very well ?

14. My brother can speak English.

Can my brother speak English ?

15. Her mother can play the violin.

Can her mother play the violin ?

もくじへ 戻る

29 )  ①be動詞の文では動詞の直後にnotを 

1. I am an American student.

I'm not an American student.

2. Her father is a doctor.

Her father isn't a doctor.

3. That is a red flower.

That isn't a red flower.

4. We are good friends.

We aren't good friends.

5. Those are English books.

Those aren't English books.

6. I have an old violin.

I don't have an old violin.

7. My father plays tennis.

My father doesn't play tennis.

8. Mr.Smith speaks French.

Mr.Smith doesn't speak French.

9. We like dogs and cats.

We don't like dogs and cats.

10. My brother swims very fast.

My brother doesn't swim very fast.

11. I can speak English.

I can't speak English.

12. She can play the piano.

She can't play the piano.

13. Tom can swim very fast.

Tom can't swim very fast.

14. We can play tennis.

We can't play tennis.

15. Nancy can speak French.

Nancy can't speak French.

もくじへ 戻る

30 )  主語をたずねる疑問文は主語を疑問詞に置き換えるだけで助動詞do, doesを使いません。


何を 何が → What
誰を 誰が → Who
いつ → When
どこ → Where
どちらの(名詞) → Which+名詞
誰のもの → Whose
誰の(名詞) → Whose+名詞
誰を → Whom
なぜ → Why
どのように → How
いくつの → How many+複数名詞
何時? → What time
何の(名詞) → What+名詞

次の文の下線部をたずねる疑問文を答えなさ い。

1. This is an English book.

What is this ?

2. This is Tom's cap.

Whose cap is this ?

3. That girl is Nancy.

Who is that girl ?

4. Lucy has a pretty doll in the bag.

What does Lucy have in the bag ?

5. His parents live in Canada.

Where do his parents live ?

6. You play basketball after school.

When do you play basketball ?

7. His mother gets up at six in the morning.

What time does his mother get up in the morning ?

8. Betty likes this Japanese doll very much.

Who likes this Japanese doll very much ?

9. Ellen has two brothers.

How many brothers does Ellen have ?

10. Your father usually watches TV after dinner.

What does your father do after dinner ?

11. Mr.Brown is forty years old.

How old is Mr.Brown ?

12. Those students come to school by bicycle.

How do those students come to school ?

13. There are twelve months in a year.

How many months are there in a year ?

14. Ms.Smith wants this red flower.

Which flower does Ms.Smith want ?

15. The students are listening to an English CD.

What are the students listening to ?

もくじへ 戻る

31 )  「前置詞+名詞」の形をとるまとまり(前置詞句)は、直前の名詞を修飾する形容詞句と、主に動詞を修飾する副詞句に分けられます。

1. Look at the boy on the bench.


2. That girl on the bench is Mary.


3. There is a basketball on the bench.


4. I like that white dog at the door


5. That black schoolbag at the door is Bob's.


6. Please wait at the door.


7. I know the girl under that big tree.


8. The bicycle under that big tree is Jane's.


9. Let's have lunch under that big tree.


10. Do you know the boy in the pool ?


11. Are those girls in the pool your friends ?


12. They are swimming in the pool.


13. I know that young man near the coffee shop.


14. Is the girl near the coffee shop your sister ?


15. My father is waiting near the coffee shop.


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